Hyacinth grimaces. “I heard.”

“Did Henrik apprehend the necromancer?” I ask. The ladies know a little more than the vague information Lawrence has allowed the rest of the court.

She shakes her head. “I have no idea.”

I come to an abrupt stop as I step into the hall. Colter leans against the wall, looking bored.

“What are you doing here?” I ask my brother.

He bows dramatically. “Hello, Lady Clover. His Royal Majesty said I was to escort you this evening.”

“Escort me where?”

Colter steps closer and drops his voice. “I have it on good authority that Henrik is being promoted tonight.”

I grasp Colter’s arm. “Lawrence is going through with his knighting ceremony?”

“According to Father, it’s an intimate affair, with only the highest-ranking nobles invited. Naturally, our family will attend.”

“An intimate affair for a knighting?” I ask, skeptical. Yes, sealed knights outrank all others, but they’re still knights.

My brother grins, loving that he knows something I don’t.

“What aren’t you telling me?” I demand.

Colter and I have always been friendly, likely because we’re so close in age. We grew apart a bit when he became a knight and I was assigned to Camellia, but it’s nice spending time with him again.

“It’s a surprise.” He glances at my riding trousers and belted tunic with disgust. “But you might want to change into a dress.”

I raise my brows, wondering what Lawrence is up to—and right now, of all times.

“Fine,” I say. “I’ll let you accompany me to my quarters.”

“How is Lady Calla?” Colter asks as we walk.

With a heavy sigh, I pinch the hem of my tunic, letting my fingers worry the linen fabric. “Heartbroken. Not only is Barret dead, but she must come to terms with the fact that he was using her to get close to Lawrence and me.”

“Denny ranted for a good hour last night that he should have sensed something was amiss. Barret hurt Calla, and you were in horrible danger.”

I frown, thinking about that. “And yet I came out unscathed.”

An image of Barret in the shack comes to my mind, but I shake my head violently, willing it away.

“Thank goodness,” Colter says. “Believe me, Clover, if something had happened to you…”

I smile up at him. “I know.”

Colter stays in the sitting area while I go into the bedchamber to change.

Several minutes later, I emerge in a cream-colored gown with a pale green overdress. “What do you think?”

Colter jerks his head, bored. “Better.”

I set my hands on my hips. “Just better?”

“I don’t know. How’s this—at least you look like a girl now.”

I laugh, shaking my head. “I’ll consider it a win.”