I watch the two of them walk away. They join several knights waiting nearby and disappear down a flight of stairs. I’m left alone, pondering my place again. I’m not a lady-in-waiting, nor a princess. I’m certainly not a soldier or a guard.

“You look like you’re questioning every decision you’ve made in your life,” Lawrence says lightly, joining me.

“I don’t know where I belong anymore,” I say, spotting the kitchen maid who seems to be sweet on Henrik. She walks down the hall, heading in the same direction as the commander and his squire, following him like a lovesick puppy.

“You belong by my side, but you gave that up.” Lawrence gives me a sideways look. “You haven’t changed your mind, have you? Have the long, tedious weeks we’ve spent apart filled you with doubt?”

I scoff at the ridiculous idea, giving him my attention. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“The idea of you pining for me for the rest of your life isn’t entirely unpleasant.”

Unable to help myself, I laugh. “You’re ridiculous.”

He smiles, but it’s tinged with worry. “What’s Camellia planning?”

“I have no idea,” I say softly.

“While Henrik is away, you’ll stay with me. I don’t like the idea of leaving you alone.”

“I’m going to take a nap.”

“Oh? A nap?” Lawrence’s brown eyes light with mischief. “Let’s go then.”

“If Audra hears you, she’ll slit your throat.”

He rolls his eyes. “Audra has told me repeatedly she won’t marry me.”

“This must be a humbling situation for you. You’ve found not one, buttwowomen who are immune to your charm.”

“Audra’s not immune.” He lifts a brow and drops his voice. “You weren’t immune either. You’re just too blasted loyal, and Henrik confessed first.”

“Tell me the truth. Are you sad you lost me…or that you lost me to Henrik?”

“They’re both mortal injuries.” He grins. “How can I be expected to discern which pains me the most?”

I roll my eyes. “Are you serious about marrying Audra?”

Suddenly solemn, he nods. “At the time, hers was an easy name to call out. But the more I think about it, the better the idea seems. If I can’t have you, I might as well enter a marriage for political gain.”

“How romantic,” I say dryly.

“Her mother agreed, and Ayan doesn’t have any qualms. Audra is the only one causing trouble.”

“Well, hurry up and convince her. I’m tired of hiding my relationship just to protect your royal ego.”

The king laughs, a little too smug.

“Why do you think your sister wrote that note to Henrik?” I ask quietly. “Why him specifically?”

The amusement falls from Lawrence’s face. “He rejected her in the end. She’s not likely to forget that.”

I clench my fingers against my palm. “Is it safe for him to leave the castle?”

“During the daylight hours. Thankfully, nightmares can only move under the cloak of darkness.” He chuckles. “Besides, he’s one of my knights. I’m not going to put him under lock and key just because my ghoulish sister is still infatuated with him.”

“You’re taking this better than expected,” I say softly, ignoring his use of the word “knight” when he hasn’t given Henrik his seal yet.

He shakes his head. “I’m not really.”