“Henrik!” Bartholomew yells.

I turn just in time to find a rogue soldier behind me, his sword raised above my head. Before I can react, an arrow slices through the air and imbeds itself into his chest. The man stumbles back, his eyes wide as he falls to his knees.

I jerk my head up and find Clover atop the curtain wall. She wears her leather armor, and her golden-brown hair is tied back. Never in my life have I seen a more welcome sight.

She gives me a tired smile as she lowers her bow. “About time you showed up, soldier. You almost missed the real battle.”

The sound of shifting chains draws my attention, and the portcullis begins to rise. The guards don’t lift the metal grating all the way—just enough for us to slip under. Bartholomew and I crouch as we pass, with Pranmore right behind us. But the elf’s antlers catch against the metal, forcing him to drop to his belly and crawl. As soon as he makes it through, we holler at the guards to close it.

I meet Clover at the bottom of the stairs. I grab her by the waist, pulling her to me as I assure myself she’s in one piece. “Are you all right?”

She nods, swallowing back her emotions. Her hand finds my cheek, and she looks like she’s going to cry. “You?”

“I’m fine.” I step back. “Camellia’s here.”

“We know, but we haven’t located her yet.”

“She’s using wraiths to control the golems.”

Clover groans, tipping her head back. “That’s how she’s doing it. Audra has completely obliterated several of them. We’ve tried to trap others in random rooms, but they hack at the doors until they escape.”

“Where’s Lawrence?” I demand as we hurry past the soldiers who guard the western castle entrance, Bartholomew and Pranmore at our heels. “Is he safe?”

“The fool is fighting,” Clover says, exasperated.

I turn to her, horrified. “If Camellia finds him…”

“We best find her first.”

“Where are the golems?” Bartholomew asks.

“Last I heard? Near the library. But Lawrence sent me to the wall to help the archers defend the main gatehouse an hour ago. My bow isn’t a lot of help against the golems.”

“For now, let’s try to find Lawrence,” I say, but then I come to a dead stop.

“What is it?” Pranmore asks, breathing hard. He gasps when he follows my gaze through a doorway.

Dead guards litter the hall, looking as if they fell without a fight. Several are slumped against the wall. Others lie on the floor, not a wound upon them. If I didn’t know better, I’d say they were sleeping.

“This way,” I say quietly.

“Henrik,” Clover reaches for my arm.

I turn toward her, taking her face in my hands. “Go back to the wall.”

“I’m not leaving.”

“Clover,” I say softly.

“We’re strongest together.” She begs me with her eyes. “Don’t send me away.”

I glance down the hall, dread pooling in my stomach. Camellia came this way. I don’t know how I know, but I can feel it.

“I know where Camellia is,” I say quietly. “If I bring you, she’ll kill you.”

“And what will keep her from killing you?” Clover demands.