Barret doesn’t sayanything when I emerge from the practice arena, but I’m certain my red cheeks give me away.

“I’d like to see Pranmore,” I say to my quiet, attentive guard. “Let’s see if he’s in.”

It’s only nine days until the wedding now, and the bridal tea is in just two. We’re running out of time.

Barret only nods.

I glance at the knight, feeling guilty—an emotion that clings to me whenever I’m with the man. Clearing my throat, I say, “Lawrence knows I met with Henrik.”

Barret gives me a sideways look. “That’s between you and His Majesty. And Henrik, too, I suppose. Though the three of you share a strange connection, it’s not my place to analyze it.”

“I’m sorry I brought shame upon you when I slipped out of the castle. It wasn’t my intention.”

The knight gives me a reassuring smile. “I know.”

We’re almost to Pranmore’s hall when I spot a familiar trio up ahead. I come to a full stop, staring at the group before I laugh out loud and hurry forward, surprising my knight but not the newcomers.

Ayan opens his arms, giving me a lopsided grin. “Look at you, Lady Clover. No longer a lady, but aprincess.”

I raise my brows as I stop in front of him. “I’m not going to hug you.”

The handsome elf looks almost respectable, in tailored clothing that suits his High Vale heritage, with his long, deep brown hair half pulled back and smoothly brushed.

He gives me a knowing look and leans down. “Afraid you’ll like it too much?”

I counter, “I’m afraidyou’lllike it too much.”

Audra laughs, shaking her head.

“What are you doing here?” I ask her. “I thought you stayed in Revalane.”

Ayan’s cousin shares a look with Lyredon before she turns back to me and drops her voice. “Henrik’s father requested assistance leaving Ferradelle. We’ve brought him home.”

“Does Henrik know?”

“Not yet. They aren’t on good terms. But when Roarke learned Camellia gave Brielle a necklace, he decided he couldn’t stay in her service any longer.”

“He didn’t know what Camellia planned?”

Audra shakes her head. “Not until recently. He didn’t even know Brielle was in Revalane. Henrik kept it from them both.”

I sigh, feeling like an additional weight has been added to my shoulders—and just when I thought my heart couldn’t ache more for that man.

My attention drifts to Ayan once more. “Is it safe for you to be out and about?”

“Sometimes the prize pony needs a little exercise,” he says. “They’ve taken me out of the stable, but don’t worry—I’m still properly tethered.”

Audra rolls her eyes. “I don’t suppose you want to nanny him for a while, do you?”

“Not particularly.” I smirk at Ayan, and he gives me a cheeky wink. “But I was just on my way to see Pranmore. Would you all like to join me?”

Audra nods eagerly. “Has he discovered anything?”

“I was hoping to ask him myself.” I nod to Barret, who has now joined us. “This is Barret, my guard. Barret, this is Lady Audra, her cousin Ayan, and their…Lyredon.”

The knight bows a greeting, looking mildly surprised that I’m so well-acquainted with the visiting High Vales.

“You have a keeper, too?” Ayan asks me flippantly. “Look at us, moving up in the world.”