I snort out a nervous laugh that’s too loud in the silent night and instantly clamp my mouth shut.
Henrik ends up wrapping his hands around my ankles, one more firmly than the other. “I’m going to lower you slowly, all right?”
I squirm like a worm through the window, making progress thanks to Henrik’s assistance. Grasping hold of the wooden bench, I manage to pull my legs through without falling. Immediately, I turn, standing on the bench to look out the window.
Henrik lingers on the other side, so close I could lean over and kiss him. He smirks, amused by my lack of grace. “At least we didn’t need Pranmore to heal your head this time.”
“Next time we meet, I’m wearing trousers,” I say. “You have no idea how difficult it is to climb with fabric wrapped around your legs.”
He shakes his head, still smiling. “You’ve mentioned it. Don’t forget to brush off your dressing gown. You’re covered in dirt and bits of grass.”
I look down, realizing he’s right. “How long has it been? More than an hour?”
“I don’t think so.” He grins. “Do you have a curfew?”
“I do,” I answer darkly.
He chuckles quietly. “Go—clean up.”
“Henrik,” I call at a whisper when he begins to turn. Gathering my courage, I blurt out, “I missed you.”
He pauses, and I hold my breath as I wait for his response.
My tone was rawer than I intended. I meant to say the words lightly, in a positive, happy way to match the current mood.
But I failed.
The commander fills the window once more, no longer smiling. “Thoughts of you were the only good thing I had to dwell upon, but knowing you were here with Lawrence nearly drove me mad.”
“Even if, for now, I belong to Lawrence on paper, I am yours in heart and body. I’ll wait for you.”
Henrik’s face darkens with an emotion that makes my heart ache for him.
“Goodnight, soldier,” I say softly. Then I close the window and hurry to the steaming pool, determined to pluck my dressing gown clean before my time is up.
Barret looks relieved when I emerge from the bathhouse. Perhaps he thought he was going to have to come in after me.
“Your time must be nearly up,” he says.
“Then let’s not dawdle.”
Even at this lower elevation, the spring night is cool with wet hair. I’d hurry back to the manor even if we weren’t running late.
Denny looks agitated when we appear around the corner of the hall, but there’s relief on his face as well.
“I think I can sleep now,” I say airily, waving to them as I near my door.
Unfortunately, my brother’s eyes narrow on the skirt of my dressing gown. When I look down, I find a stray blade of grass. Instead of making a flimsy excuse, I hurry into the room and shut the door behind me.
He won’t ask me about it in front of the other knights, but I have no doubt he’ll corner me later.
* * *
The girlsand I are just about ready to join the group for breakfast when there’s a knock at the door.