“Not only is the blood curse extremely powerful, but there’s High Vale magic in here as well.”

“High Vale? Do you think it was Augmirian?”

Pranmore shakes his head. “According to Audra’s mother, the duke has no magic, remember?”

I mull it over, and then it hits me. “Of course—Hellebore.”


“Camellia’s elven handmaid.” I frown at the cursed necklace. “But that doesn’t do us a lot of good, does it? What difference does it make if there are two types of magic or one? It’s deadly no matter how you look at it.”

He nods thoughtfully.

I sit back in my chair, crossing my arms. “I don’t suppose you’ve found a safe way to remove it yet, have you?”

Pranmore shakes his head. “Not yet, but I’m working on it.”

A knock sounds at the door moments before it opens. Lavender sticks her head inside, smiling apologetically. “I’m sorry to interrupt, Clover, but Madame Linwa says Master Edart has just arrived with a selection of table settings for the wedding, and they need you to decide which one you’d like.”

“I have to look at them right now?”

“They said if you don’t approve a design today, the dinnerware might not be finished in time.”

“Can’t Lawrence do it?”

“Surely you don’t intend to involve the king in such decisions,” she says as if personally horrified by the idea.

Heaven forbid we trouble Lawrence.

“Why don’t you choose for me?” I suggest, liking that idea quite a lot. “You’re better at that sort of thing anyway.”

Lavender gasps, and her dark blue eyes go even wider. “Clover!”

“Fine,” I sigh, pushing myself up. “I’m coming.”

As I leave, Pranmore calls me back. He glances at Lavender for only a split second before he dons a professional smile. “Until your headaches improve, I believe you should see me in the afternoons. Come before tea—I have a blend that I believe will help.”

“Can’t you package up the tea?” Lavender says ever so helpfully. “Then Her Highness can drink it with the rest of us.”

Pranmore falters for just a heartbeat before he quickly recovers. “I would like to monitor the effects.” He gives her a warm smile. “I’m sure you understand.”

She nods at him dreamily. “Oh, of course.”

“Give us a moment, will you?” I ask Lavender.

But she simply stands there, staring at Pranmore as if she doesn’t hear me, completely smitten.

“I’ll be out in just a moment,” I say pointedly.

When Lavender still doesn’t move, I snap my fingers in front of her face. She blinks, finally turning her attention to me. “What?”

“Wait for me in the hall. I’ll be out in a moment.”

“Don’t be too long,” she warns, casting a last longing smile at Pranmore as she pauses in the doorway.

“GO,” I mouth, shooting her a stern look.

She flashes me a look of her own, and then she flounces out the door.