I click my tongue against the roof of my mouth as I think. “But why would Camellia marry him?” I give Henrik a dark look. “No offense, but she could have her pick of anyone.”

Audra shakes her head. “I’ve had people working on it, but we haven’t been able to discover the contents of their messages.”

“How many in Ferradelle are loyal to the crown?” Henrik asks.

Audra looks at Lyredon as if he might be able to spit out an exact number, but he only shrugs. She turns back to the commander. “Few are openly hostile, though the king’s ridiculous taxes haven’t done much to endear him to us. Most don’t know what Augmirian has planned, either.”

“War,” Lawrence responds.

“Yes,” the pretty High Vale says softly, turning to the prince. “Which is why we must remove Augmirian from his position of power.”

“And replace him with…Ayan?” I say, not sure her plan is all that well thought-out.

She, too, glances at her cousin as if uncertain. “That’s right.”

Ayan doesn’t say anything. He just sits solemnly, looking as if he’s processing the events.

“And we must discover what part my sister has in all this,” Lawrence says. To Audra, he asks, “Will you help us?”

“That depends.” The elf stands a little straighter. “As long as you have my people’s best interests at heart, we will aid you. Many are loyal to my family—we would make good allies.”

Lawrence frowns, unused to being placed in a position where he must bear responsibility. He glances at me, looking unsure. I only shrug, refusing to get involved in royal politics.

To Audra, Lawrence finally says, “Do you plan to drug us again?”

She grins. “I have no current plans to, no.”

After another moment, he reluctantly nods. “Then, for the time being, consider us allied.”



Audra’s boat is paddle-driven,like Captain Caldwell’s ship, but on a smaller scale intended for traversing the shallow swamps. It’s like a floating manor, with four cabins and a few community areas.

Because I’m the only female in our party, and Audra isn’t about to let me bunk with her, I get a cabin all to myself. The rest of the men in our group must share—something Lawrence isn’t keen on.

“I’ll stay with Clover,” he insists from the chair we’ve all gathered around. “We’re going to be married in a few months anyway.”

Audra turns to me, mostly disinterested. “You’re betrothed?”

“No,” I say immediately, my gaze accidentally straying to Henrik.

The commander looks back, but he shields his thoughts. Before I can try to read him, he looks away.

“That may be, but you cannot share a room before you’re wed,” Pranmore insists, muttering an apology when Lawrence winces. If he wasn’t healing Lawrence’s wound, he’d likely be wringing his hands at the scandalous thought.

“It doesn’t matter. I’m not sharing my cabin with you anyway,” I tell the prince. “I barely managed to avoid that last night.”

“Most women have no such qualms,” Lawrence mutters.

If he wasn’t already bruised up, I’d smack him.

“Ow!” the prince says suddenly, jerking away from the Woodmore’s magic.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Pranmore answers mildly. “Did that hurt?”

“Fine!” Lawrence throws up his hands. “I won’t share a cabin with Clover, you prim granny goat.”