And even, just a little bit, hating Clover for wedging herself into my life and making it impossible to do anything but protect her—at least until I learn the truth.

“But I will do everything in my power to find out what happened,” I solemnly vow. “You have my word—Iwillfind Camellia.”

The king nods, though he doesn’t look soothed. With a raised hand, he dismisses me, and I turn for the door. Though I must tell him about the High Vales’ treachery in the mountains, perhaps it can wait a few days. He’s not ready for that news on top of everything else. He already suffers from a weak heart; I’m afraid it might prove too much for him to handle.

“Henrik,” the king says as I leave.

I look back, my hand on the door.

“If you find her, she is yours.”

I gape at him. “Your Majesty?”

“Camellia’s hand in marriage—save her, and I will give the two of you my blessing.”

It’s everything I’ve ever wanted—my seal. The princess. Prestige and honor and…

No, not everything.

Not anymore.



“Have you seen Commander Henrik?”I ask one of the royal door guards as I oh-so-casually pass down the hall.

Please don’t let him be in there.

“He’s having an audience with the king,” the man responds. “Shall I tell him you’re looking for him when he leaves?”

“No!” I say hastily, and then I put on a pretty smile when the guards look shocked by my over-exuberant reply. I wave a hand dismissively. “It’s not urgent. I’ll find him later.”

I hurry down the hall, resisting the urge to wring my hands.

How long will it be before I’m arrested? Will King Algernon give me a proper trial, or will I be immediately marched to the gallows? Will they even give me a chance to say goodbye to my family?

Once I’m around a corner, I press my back to the cool stone wall and close my eyes, imagining the worst and trying not to hyperventilate.

“Lady Clover?” a worried voice calls from nearby. “Are you ill?”

I open my eyes as the footsteps draw closer and find Pranmore hurrying down the hall toward me.

Thinking hard, I study the Woodmore elf. And something strikes me—something that could take care of this whole mess.

“Lady Clover?” he repeats when he’s in front of me, his dark brown eyes concerned. “Are you all right?”

“Let’s talk about it somewhere else.” I push away from the wall and gesture for him to follow me.

Not long later, I pause outside my chambers. Since I’ve lived in the castle exclusively from the time I became a lady-in-waiting, I have my own separate quarters.

“Come in,” I say after I unlock the door and swing it open.

Pranmore pauses in the threshold, looking unsure. “I don’t think I should go into your rooms without a proper chaperone…”

“Get in here,” I command, grabbing him by the arm and yanking him inside. “I have no fear you’re going to take advantage of me.”

The elf gasps, horrified at the prospect.