I see the people around us noticing as well. Their eyes narrow with speculation, and several exchange knowing looks.
Beside me, Bartholomew sighs. Startled to remember he’s still here, I find my squire watching his cousin and the woman he loves with a resigned expression. Sensing me studying him, he glances over and gives me a listless shrug—acknowledging this is nothing new.
As I’m pondering that, Lady Calla shoulders her way through the growing crowd. Her long blonde hair falls in unruly waves down her back. Like all the other ladies-in-waiting, she is usually groomed to perfection, but her hair doesn’t look like it’s seen a brush in days. When she finally reaches Clover, she bursts into tears. “Clover!”
The two ladies are close—I’ve seen them together often.
Clover turns to Calla, letting out a shocked noise when she sees her state. She opens her arms as the young woman barrels into her.
“I’m fine,” Clover assures Calla as the noblewoman sobs.
“We thought they might try to abduct you as well,” Calla says, pulling back. “After what happened to the others and the princess… I was so worried.”
“Thank goodness you’re all right,” Clover says somberly. Then she narrows her eyes with concern. “You are all right, aren’t you?”
Calla wipes at her tears self-consciously, looking around as she realizes she’s caused a scene. “I was just so worried,” she whispers.
Clover squeezes her hand and nods, looking a little choked up by her friend’s concern.
As soon as Calla composes herself and steps back, Lawrence returns to Clover’s side. He wraps his arm around her shoulders, and she doesn’t shrug him off—she doesn’t even seem to notice. Is shethatcomfortable with the prince?
Have they always been this affectionate? Was I blind to it because I never let myself pay attention to her before?
When I force myself to look away, I realize Denny, Clover’s second-to-eldest brother, watches me. Startled, I bow my head to the banneret knight, worried about what he might have seen in my expression.
When I turn to leave the gathering, intent on telling King Algernon what we learned in the mountains and glean more information about Camellia’s disappearance, Denny follows me.
He matches my pace, saying nothing until we’re away from the crowds.
“Clover has been casting you listless, lingering glances since we met you in Fort Lintanry,” he finally says when we reach a nearly vacant hall in the castle. “And every time you spot her with Lawrence, you look like you want to run him through with your sword. Exactly what happened between you two in the mountains?”
“Nothing,” I say tightly.
The knight rolls his eyes. “Not likely.”
Realizing I can’t escape the awkward conversation, I stop walking and turn toward him. “I was given a royal command to watch over Clover and keep her with me on the supply run. When I look at her, I see my charge—a woman whose safety has become my utmost priority. Perhaps I’ve become overprotective, but now that she’s reunited with her family, I will step back.”
He raises a brow, reminding me of his sister. “A royal command? By whom?”
Denny outranks me. I have no choice but to be honest with him, though I need not give him more information than he specifically requests.
“Princess Camellia,” I finally answer.
Denny’s eyes widen. “Why?”
I pause to put my thoughts in order, refusing to speak of the true reason just yet, even if Denny is Clover’s brother.
Thankfully, my hesitation is all the time it takes for him to draw his own conclusion.
“Perhaps Camellia sensed the threat?” he muses. “Could she have sent Clover away to keep her safe?”
I almost laugh at the idea, but I keep my expression impassive.
Slowly, Denny’s eyes return to mine, and his face hardens. He studies me intently, making it obvious he believes there’s more to the story than I’m letting on.
He glances down the hall, ensuring we’re alone, and then he lowers his voice. “I won’t pry. Your relationship with Clover is your business, and whatever happened between you is in the past—but I will make a request.”
My spine stiffens as I wait for him to ask me to stay away from her.