I open my mouth to respond, and then I slowly close it. Though I’m pleased I managed to weasel my way into the rescue party, I have a feeling I might have leaped in over my head.
Cortana clearsher throat from beside me in the stable, oblivious to the fact I’ve been attempting to ignore her. “Commander, I was hoping I might have a word with you before you leave.”
One word would be fine, but I’m afraid the guard isn’t going to stop there.
“Is it important?” I ask brusquely, checking my saddlebags one last time. “We’re preparing to leave.”
She glances toward Clover, who feeds her mare apple slices from the palm of her hand. Uneasy, she looks back. “It’s about the mission.”
Realizing I can’t brush Cortana off without raising more suspicions, I turn from my horse. “Very well.”
I feel Clover watching us until we disappear around a corner.
“What is it?” I ask when I’m sure our conversation won’t be overheard.
“It’s about Lady Clover,” Cortana says hesitantly.
I narrow my eyes. “What about her?”
“The last day anyone saw Camellia, the two women had an argument. The princess had a headache, and Clover went into her chambers to deliver a gown. When she didn’t come out, I went inside to check on her. From the princess’s sitting room, I could just hear them talking in the bedchamber. Camellia sounded agitated.”
That lines up with Clover’s story.
“Do you remember anything else?” I ask.
The guard shakes her head. “Only that Camellia sent Clover on an errand that evening, and the princess disappeared right after. As far as I know, Clover was the last person to see Camellia.”
“You suspect Clover was involved in the princess’s abduction?” I say, making my tone purposefully incredulous. “You believe she could be a sorceress?”
Cortana wrinkles her nose. “I don’t suspect anything. I just thought you should know since Clover is traveling with you. If she was involved…she might be planning to sabotage your mission.”
The guard turns to leave, but I call her back. “You were around Camellia a great deal. In your opinion, how well does the princess like Clover?”
Cortana’s eyebrows fly up. “Like her? She hates Clover. Some say they have clashing personalities, but I believe—”
She stops herself, realizing she shouldn’t gossip.
“It’s all right,” I assure her. “I won’t tell anyone.”
Cortana glances down the hall before looking back. She then lowers her voice to an almost-whisper. “I believe Camellia was jealous.”
“The men at court genuinely like Clover—as a person, not just because she’s pretty. And everyone expects Lawrence to marry her, which will make her rank higher than Camellia.”
I cross my arms. “Who’s everyone?”
Cortana frowns. “It’s just a rumor, but anyone with eyes can see there’s something to it.”
Ignoring that, I ask, “Do you think there’s a chance—slim as it might be—that Camellia set all this up to get rid of Clover?”
“Are you asking if I think Camellia let herself get kidnapped by the High Vales for that purpose?” she asks skeptically.
It does sound ridiculous.