And with that, he mounts his horse, and the elven riders exit the castle grounds in the same eerily spaced formation in which they arrived.

Beside me, Clover is speaking, but I can’t process any of it. My mind swirls and churns, and one fact stands out above the rest: not only has Camellia been kidnapped, but her abductor is none other than the high duke of the Ferradelle province.

I’m confident it’s connected to what we discovered in the mountains.

“Why would Augmirian want Camellia?” Clover demands. “What purpose does that serve?”

I shake my head.

“It’s not like she’s the heir,” Clover continues. “She’s just…Camellia. Do you think they actually want an alliance?”

“If they were hoping to strengthen the bonds between our people, I don’t think kidnapping King Algernon’s daughter was the best way to go about it.”

Clover nods, thinking hard. “Again, I believe it’s a distraction to draw the king’s eyes one way while they attack—perhaps even while Algernon is in Ferradelle.”

“The king won’t let it go that far,” I assure her, already walking toward the gatehouse. “Algernon will send a rescue party.”

“Into Ferradelle?” Clover asks, incredulous. “I’ve heard their capital is a maze of waterways, impossible to navigate unless you’re familiar with the city. Never mind the fact it’s in the middle of aswamp. If the High Vales don’t kill you, the bog beasts will.”

I’ve never been to Ferradelle. Few humans have. Though the dukedom is technically under Algernon’s control, it operates as a free province—one that doesn’t welcome humans past the shipping ports.

Clover trails after me as I push my way through the crowd to reach the king. The people are in a tizzy now—rumors and gossip are already being traded like carded wool and fresh eggs.

“Hello, commander,” says one of the castle guards who holds back the crowd, allowing Clover and me to pass.

The king’s sealed knights, along with several esteemed guards, Lawrence, and Count Flauret, circle His Majesty, talking heatedly about the situation.

Lawrence’s eyes immediately fall on Clover, and he steps forward, taking her hand and drawing her to his side.

Temporarily forgetting my purpose, I stare at their linked hands until Algernon’s conversation draws my attention back.

“…a snake in our midst,” the king says to the small gathering. “I want you to find out who betrayed my daughter. We know from the state of the body, the culprit was using blood magic. They were human, and they had access to Camellia’s quarters.”

“Your Majesty,” says Cortana, Camellia’s personal guard, casting a wary glance in Clover’s direction that I don’t care for at all. “The only ones with access to Camellia’s rooms were the princess, her handmaid…and her ladies.”

“Clover,” the king says, immediately turning to the lady-in-waiting. Lawrence visibly tenses, and Clover freezes like a hare, but Algernon thankfully doesn’t seem to notice. “Have any of the girls acted suspiciously lately? Has anyone said anything? Done anything? Or, perhaps, are any of the ladies openly at odds with Camellia? Is there anyone she doesn’t get along with?”

Clover dons a baffled expression, ignoring the way every nearby eye narrows upon her. Obviously, there is one lady who fits that description.

My stomach drops, but I tell myself to mask my expression.

“I’m not sure, Your Majesty. I’ve been away.” Clover’s voice is a little sharp, but she’s calmer than seems possible considering the situation. “Camellia asked me to deliver a message to Henrik. I ended up joining his mission.”

“Why would you do that?” Cortana demands, apparently forgetting her rank. “And when, exactly, did you leave?”

Clover shoots the guard a venomous look, but before I can step forward to assist her, Lawrence says, “Is there anyone who frequents the castle grounds who hasn’t heard of Clover’s prowess with a bow? She’s the finest archeress in all Caldenbauer.”

Clover turns to him, looking sick with relief.

He gives her an indulgent smile, and then he spares me a glance. “And we all know Henrik’s archery skills leave a little something to be desired.”

I roll my eyes because it’s expected, but in truth, I’m grateful.

Inhaling raggedly, the king presses a hand to his chest and stumbles against the gatehouse wall. A collective gasp sounds through our small, gathered group, and Lawrence immediately takes his father’s shoulder. “Are you all right?”

“Let us…” Algernon draws in a shaky breath. “Let us discuss this inside.”