“She’s been at Dulnmarin’s for the last several years.”
Pranmore looks as anxious as I feel. “What’s she doing here?”
That is an excellent question.
“Come on.” Lawrence drags me forward. “Let’s see if we can find out.”
I fix a smile on my face as Lawrence leads me across the room, but it falters when I meet Henrik’s lifeless gaze. He looks like he’s aged several years in the span of an hour.
“Where did you two disappear off to?” Lawrence asks Camellia, his tone returning to its usual, carefree timbre.
Even though Lawrence didn’t recognize Brielle, it’s obvious the girl knows who he is. Her eyes widen, and she looks like a strong wind could knock her over.
“Your Highness,” she says excitedly, dipping into a fumbling curtsy.
“Ah, you must be Henrik’s sister.” Lawrence grins, and then he drops his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “He curtsiesjustlike that.”
Brielle laughs as if besotted. The prince asks her several questions, all of which she answers eagerly.
My eyes, however, are riveted to the necklace around the girl’s neck.
Camellia catches me staring at it, and she smiles. “Lovely, aren’t they? I had them made for all the important women in my life.” She pauses. “I didn’t have one made for you, Clover. It must have slipped my mind.”
Slowly, I bring my eyes up to look at her. Camellia smiles, looking as if she thinks she’s already won.
Augmirian appears at her side, many, many inches shorter than she.
“Camellia, darling,” the duke says, looking like the endearment leaves a bad taste in his mouth. “I believe it’s time to speak to your father about the terms of our marriage.”
“Isn’t that usually done before the vows are exchanged?” Lawrence says with a carefree smile.
Augmirian’s expression hardens. “You should go tour the water gardens. They’re stunning in the moonlight.”
“No, I don’t think so.” Lawrence takes my arm once more. “I believe we’ll join you. Henrik, why don’t you come along as well?”
“Oh, I have news,” Camellia says brightly, again looking directly at me. “Henrik has decided to remain in Ferradelle. With me.”
My heart pounds violently, and my skin grows clammy.
“Is that one of your marriage terms?” Lawrence laughs. “You’re going to keep one of my knights?”
“Yourknight?” Camellia chides. “I don’t believe Henrik belongs to you. In fact, I don’t believe you even bothered to give him a seal, so he’s not yourknightat all.”
Brielle’s smile flickers, and she looks between us. She seems like a sharp girl, and it’s only taken her a few seconds to realize she’s been caught up in something unsavory.
“Come along,” Augmirian says, losing patience.
Camellia takes Brielle’s arm again, keeping her close like the girl is a new favorite doll. The princess and Lawrence lead the group, bickering quietly. Augmirian trails after them, exasperated with his new human family.
I’m about to follow, but Henrik pulls me back.
“I need you out of Ferradelle,” the commander says urgently, his eyes begging me to listen to him this time. “I can’t protect both of you.”
“How did Camellia get your sister?” I demand, glancing at them to make sure Camellia doesn’t turn back.
“She fetched her from school.” He looks like he wants to punch something. “Brielle has no idea what’s going on.”
“She’s wearing one of the pendants.”