Camellia’s eyes flash as she looks at her brother. “I don’t believe that’s your decision to make.”

“It is,” Lawrence says hotly. He flashes an apologetic look at Clover before he looks past Camellia at Algernon. “Isn’t it?”

The king nods. “Lawrence is correct. Count Flauret and I finalized the betrothal paperwork before they left Cabaranth with Commander Henrik.”

I sit straighter in my chair, hoping I misunderstood. Betrothal paperwork? Betweenwhom?

“What?” Camellia seethes, turning sharply to her father. “What did you say?”

“Clover is no longer one of your ladies, Camellia,” King Algernon answers. “Lawrence asked Count Flauret for her hand as soon as he brought her back from the mountains. The count and I agreed to the union, and we drew up the paperwork.” He narrows his eyes at Augmirian before he looks back at Camellia. “In light of the situation, I felt it was wise to sign the document sooner than later.”

Clover stares daggers at the side of Lawrence’s head. “You didn’t tell me.”

He shrugs, looking guilty—avoiding Clover’s eyes at all costs. “It didn’t seem like pertinent information until…recently.”

Next to me, Audra looks between them, appearing to be holding her breath.

“The fact that we’reengageddidn’t seem like pertinent information?” Clover hisses to the prince.

He turns to her, giving her a helpless look. It’s an apology and a plea. It begs her to be quiet about it so they can figure it out later.

Clover is engaged to Lawrence.

My stomach clenches violently, and I clasp the edge of the table.

If the meal was tense before, it’s nothing like it is now.

The king was angry to begin with, and he remains angry. Camellia is fit to be tied, and Augmirian sits in smug silence, still reveling in his win.

Clover stabs at the food on her plate, making me think she’d rather stab her new intended. Lawrence looks like he wants to crawl under the table.

And I…I am in shock.

Why didn’t he tell us? Why did he let us make fools of ourselves, planning a future that can never be?

My thoughts are chaotic, and I must shut them off for now. I can dwell on them later. But it’s easier said than done.

As soon as the meal is over, I leave the table, needing air. It should be fine for a moment. The king is surrounded by his knights, and Lawrence isn’t likely to let Clover out of his sight. I step onto the balcony, staring at Revalane’s lights, unable to admire the beauty in my current mood.

“I see Clover’s not dead,” Camellia says from behind me, her voice icy.

“We travel with a healer,” I say dully. “It is difficult todisposeof anyone.”

“She has a way of escaping,” Camellia agrees with a snarl. Then she turns to me, crossing her slender arms. “I take it you didn’t know she and Lawrence are engaged?”

I panic, worried I gave myself away when the king made the announcement.

“I did not,” I say as if bored.

“Are you heartbroken?” she asks, tilting her pretty head to the side and letting her hair fall down her shoulder.

“Why would I be?”

She gives me a warm smile and steps close. “There is no reason. But…just in case, I think we need to have a little talk.”

“Then talk,” I tell her, almost wishing she’d kill me with her dark magic and be done with it.

“Not here,” she chastises. “Besides, there’s someone I want you to see.”