Lawrence catches the necklace from the elf’s hand and lays it back in the box. “Henrik’s right. My sister isn’t this generous.”
Audra’s eyes dart about the space. “What about the others?Mother.”
Lady Ellaine stands at the front of the room, smiling tightly as Augmirian fastens the necklace around her neck.
“I’m probably being overly cautious,” I assure her, though it feels like a lie.
I extend my hand, asking to see the pendant closer. Audra gives it to me, and I frown as I study it. It’s familiar, but I can’t place why.
Suddenly, the door opens. “Your Grace,” a guard says urgently.
“What is it?” Augmirian demands.
The guard seems shaken. “King Algernon has come early.”
“Where is he?” Augmirian demands. “Why didn’t anyone alert me as soon as he entered the dukedom?”
“It seems he traveled in secret along with many of his knights.” The guard winces. “And he’s waiting for you in the entry.”
Lawrence is the first one out the door. I’m on his heels as he shoves past the stunned guard, making sure Bartholomew is right behind us. The last thing I’m going to do is leave him alone in a room with Camellia and a bunch of High Vales.
We hurry through the halls, and Lawrence bursts into the main entry, only to stop dead in his tracks.
Dressed as a merchant, King Algernon looks up impatiently, and then his jaw slackens. “Lawrence,” he says, shocked to see his son in the open when we’re supposed to be rescuing Camellia covertly.
“What are you doing here early?” Lawrence seethes as soon as we’ve crossed the room to meet the king. “Do you have any idea how dangerous it is?”
“I can’t sit idly while my daughter is in danger!” the king answers sharply. “I’ve come to negotiate Camellia’s release, though I had hoped you would have rectified the situation by now.”
Lawrence’s features darken. “It’s more complicated than we were led to believe.”
Dressed as house guards, wearing tabards embroidered with a fictional coat of arms, several knights stand with the king—many of whom I’m well-acquainted with.
Including Clover’s three brothers.
“Why are you dressed as…?” I ask, turning to Denny, feeling flabbergasted.
Clover’s middle brother takes a step closer and drops his voice. “To get through the kingdom undetected.”
“I hope your trip through Ferradelle was less eventful than ours.”
“Why are you here?” Denny asks. “Weren’t you supposed to come in secret?”
“Nothing went according to plan.”
We turn back to Algernon and Lawrence when their whispered argument becomes heated.
“Camellia wasn’t abducted,” Lawrence insists. “She contacted Augmirian to make the arrangement.”
Algernon draws in a deep breath. The lines in his face are etched deeper than usual, and his skin looks sallow. How taxing the trip must have been on a man with a sickly heart, especially when he was already distressed. “I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.”
“Camellia is up to something,” Lawrence snarls quietly.
The king shakes his head in complete denial. “No, that’s impossible. Camellia would never…”
“Your Majesty,” Augmirian booms, not as far behind us as I’d like. “What a pleasant surprise. You’ve arrived early.”
Algernon turns to the duke, his face contorting with fury until he sees Camellia trailing behind him wearing a serene expression.