“Shh.” She squeezes my leg. “We can’t talk freely here. Do you think you can sneak away later?”

“Most likely,” I say, realizing I must take this opportunity to learn what she’s plotting.

“Good. I’ll send my handmaid to fetch you. Meet her in Lady Ellaine’s back garden at midnight.”

I nod, ignoring the knot in my stomach.

Clover isn’t going to like this.



“What doyou mean you’re meeting Camellia in the middle of the night!” Clover exclaims, just as angry as I predicted. Her eyes flash, and she sets her hands on her hips, looking adorable enough I want to kiss away her scowl.

I’m smart enough to know that wouldn’t go over well.

“I know you’re a skilled soldier, but she’s anecromancer,” Clover argues. “Do you want to end up like the man in her closet?”

Pranmore clears his throat, uncomfortable. “I didn’t sense magic on her.”

“What?” Clover demands, whipping her head to look at him.

He shrugs awkwardly. “I’m not saying she’s innocent…but I didn’t see anything.”

Clover lets out a frustrated huff, obviously not deterred.

“I’m going to meet her,” I tell the group, avoiding Clover’s heated gaze. “I believe she intends to tell me what she’s planning.”

“Of course she does,” Lawrence says, sounding bored as we sit in Lady Ellaine’s entertaining foyer. “Camellia has jealously coveted you for years, and now here you are, showing up like a white knight, ready to save her from the villainous clutches of Auggy the Short.”

“Shut up, Lawrence,” Clover snaps.

He only shrugs. “You know I’m right. If Camellia has a weakness, it’s Henrik.”

Audra gives me a once over and then smirks. “It’s understandable.”

Lawrence and Clover shoot the High Vale stern looks. I shift, uncomfortable with the direction the conversation has wandered.

“But Camellia doesn’t need rescuing,” Pranmore says. “She wasn’t kidnapped.”

“Yes, but Henrik didn’t know that when he came for her,” Lawrence points out. “As far as Camellia knows, he crossed sea and swamp to stop her wedding.”

“She needs him for something,” Clover says suddenly, staring at the floor as if she’s trying to pull up a memory. “I heard her when I was in the room. She specifically said something about Henrik.”

Having no idea what to make of that, I only shake my head. “She’s never discussed anything in particular with me.”

“What could she possibly need Henrik for?” Lawrence says with a laugh. “Does she require the services of a blacksmith? No, obviously not. She doesn’t need Henrik; shewantshim. There’s a difference.”

As much as I hate to agree with the prince, he’s right. Without my seal, I have little to offer the princess.

“Don’t go,” Clover suddenly begs. “Defy her—stay here.”

“Dogo,” Lawrence commands. “We need to know what she’s up to, and you’re the closest thing I have to a real soldier.”

“I am a real soldier,” I say dryly.

“Sure. Anyway, consider this a royal assignment.”