Page 60 of Cruel Beast

“Enzo De Luca, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?” Everything else he says fades into the background of my consciousness, the blood rushing in my ears drowning out the sound of his voice. My lawfully wedded wife. My wife. The mother of my children, eventually. What kind of mother will she be to them? I imagine she’ll love them because they come from her, but will her feelings toward me hurt them in some way? I have to protect her. Above all else, I have to keep her safe. I can’t let her end up the way my mother did—though the fact that she died at my father’s hand means we are already ahead of the game since I have no intention of ever doing to Elena what he did to my mother. His own wife, the mother of his children. I doubt I’d understand any better than I do now if he explained his intentions and reasoning to me.

But that won’t be her. This might have started off in the worst possible way, but it doesn’t have to end that way.

The minister falls silent, and I realize it’s my turn to speak. What did he say? I’m supposed to say I do, aren’t I? Grandfather even nudges me, and I have to grit back the impulse to tell him to back the hell off. “I do,” I murmur instead, hoping against hope she’ll look me in the eye. She doesn’t, doesn’t even give any indication she heard me. She’s that checked out.

“And you, Elena—”

“I do,” she whispers.

Grandfather chuckles while Josef lets out a booming laugh. “Eager,” he points out, laughing again.

No, she just wants to get it over with.

The minister clears his throat, his cheeks going red. “You have to at least let me earn my fee and finish what I had to say,” he explains, much to Josef’s amusement. “As I was saying, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

I squeeze her hands as he continues, willing her to look at me. This time she does, her eyes meeting mine for the first time since this started, and I offer her the warmest smile I can muster. I’m sure it’s a little sad, as well, because this is a rather sad situation. If she could only understand I’m right here with her, she might be able to get through this in less pain than she’s in now.

Finally, the minister finishes his spiel, and she nods slowly, eyes locked with mine. “I do.”

I smile again, and this time her lips stir. A good sign. I’m not naïve. We’ll still have a long way to go, but now at least, I have a glimmer of hope.

My god. Have I fallen for this woman? If I haven’t, I’m certainly in the process of it. Never in my life have I cared so deeply about the feelings of another—all the evidence is there. How it pains me to think of her in pain. My guilt over this entire situation, the fact that I was willing for a moment to call this off so she could flee. Even knowing the turmoil that would cause, I was willing to let her do it because she means more to me than even my grandfather’s wishes. More than even my family. I would rather her be happy or at least free.

“Do we have the rings?”

Grandfather taps me on the shoulder and holds out the open box containing matching platinum bands. We weren’t even given the chance to choose our wedding rings. I’ll make that up to her, as well. I’ll make it all up to her. For now, I take the smaller of the two rings and slide it over her finger while repeating the words the minister feeds me. When it’s her turn, she does the same, this time looking me in the eye while her lips twitch slightly in the beginnings of a smile. It’s encouraging enough to lighten the pressure in my chest. And gives me hope that we can find a way through this together as a team. We might have been forced into it, but we can make the best of it so long as she’s willing to try. I know we can. I can hardly wait to tell her all of this, though I know it will be agony trying to put words to what I’m feeling.

I wonder how a so-called man of God can smile so wide and genuinely as he places his hands on top of ours. “Then, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. Enzo, you may kiss your lovely bride.”

I’d like to do a lot more than kiss her. For starters, I would like to take off her garter with my teeth—that is, if she’s wearing one. I’d be happy to settle for her underwear if not.

I draw her closer, prepared to seal the agreement with a kiss.

Until a familiar sound splits the air around us. Sharp, sudden, and out of place. The crack of a single gunshot.

Instinct makes me throw myself over her, and we crash to the ground as chaos erupts around us.



It all happened so fast.

One second, we were wrapping things up with me in a daze the whole time, waiting for the moment Alvarez would announce I’m not his daughter and this was all nothing but a sham. Holding my breath, I’m expecting it to come at any moment, but it didn’t. We were moments away from the final kiss to seal the deal.

The next, it sounded like firecrackers going off. That’s what I thought the noise was at first, that Enzo’s grandfather had ordered a display or something and it was going off too early. My poor, overwrought brain couldn’t keep up with what was happening.

Then I was on the ground, where I still am, with Enzo on top of me. From where I’m lying, all I can see are feet pounding the grass as guards run in every direction.

Think, think!Am I in pain? I check in with my body, but there doesn’t seem to be pain coming from anywhere except from where my ass hit the ground. My ribs aren’t holding up so well under Enzo’s weight, either. I don’t think I was hit by a bullet, though.

Then my heart seizes, and I place my hands against Enzo’s shoulders, trying to push him off me so I can check him over. What if I only thought he was protecting me, but he really fell against me because he was hit? “Enzo?”

He’s not moving, his weight crushing me. “Enzo!” I manage to choke out, finally driving my knee into his ribs hard enough that he pays attention.

He pushes himself up and looks down at me, scanning my face, running his fingers over my cheek and down my throat. “Were you hit? Are you injured?” His pinched expression hinting at fear.

“I’m fine,” I whisper, relief wrapping a hand around my heart and squeezing tight. “What about you?” I run my hands over his chest, but everything’s normal, his shirt clear of blood.