Page 21 of Cruel Beast

“Oh, could it?” Amusement flickers behind his otherwise empty eyes. Or maybe I only imagine them that way because he seems soulless?

“Sure. Let me go. Let me walk out of here. No harm done, I’m in one piece, I don’t have any reason to go to the cops or anything. Besides, how could I prove it? I’m not interested in any of that. All I want is to go home. Please, I’m begging you.” Because why not? What’s pride at a time like this?

“So you think it’s as easy as that?”

“Why does it have to be complicated?”

He stands in the doorway, his shoulders practically filling the frame. Not that I would be stupid enough to try to run past him at this point, not with him right here in my face, but it’s obvious he wants to make sure I know he’ll be on me again if I try anything.

“Don’t tell me you’re that naïve about how things go for people like us, Elena. I can only buy so much of the innocent act.”

I should have told him the truth from the beginning. Now, if I tell him I’m not part of this family he thinks I’m related to, he’ll take it as a lie. I can only imagine how much worse this would get if he thought I was lying to him all of a sudden. There’s no way I can explain myself in a way that he’ll understand—this is not an understanding person I’m dealing with.

“Besides,” he continues, “I need you.”

I gulp audibly. “You need me?”

“Don’t get the wrong idea,” he murmurs. The way his eyes rake over my body tells another story.

I wish my heart didn’t skip a beat when he looks at me that way.

“You’re leverage. I need to use you to get what my grandfather wants out of this deal. I have a meeting with your father in an hour.”

Oh no. This isn’t good. What’s going to happen when the guy says I’m not his daughter? What happens to me, then? My pulse is alarmingly rapid, and my palms are all sweaty.

“Why would he want to make a deal with somebody who kidnapped his kid?” I ask.

He squints at me like I’m something he’s never seen before. “Obviously, he’d want to be sure you didn’t get hurt. He’ll do anything to get you back. Most fathers would.”

He’s going to be very disappointed. And so am I when my head ends up on the chopping block.

“I don’t know. I’d think letting me go would be, you know, a good faith gesture.”

He smirks and even snorts a little. “Why so nervous? You don’t think he wants you back?”

“Maybe I have a little more insight than you think. I’m just saying, I think it would go better if I was free before the meeting.” It’s wishful thinking, but what else do I have. The moment this Josef person shows up and sees I’m not who I’ve been pretending to be, Enzo will learn he has no leverage at all, and I’ll end up with my brains all over the floor.

Then again, maybe not. Whoever this guy is, he might be willing to play along, right? He doesn’t know who I am, but he’ll know I was found with those drugs in my bag. He might want to keep me alive just in case there’s something I know, something important. Or he might not want Enzo to know some random girl was given access to his product. It might look kind of unprofessional, now that I think about it. I’m sure Elena wasn’t supposed to let me take her place.

And now I’m worried she’ll end up getting in trouble. I really need to stop worrying about other people so much. My ass is on the line here, and I’m going to feel sorry for her? Has she even noticed that I’m missing or thought to look for me? But who am I kidding? Even if she had, what is she going to do? She’s just a girl, involved with some very bad people. She told me as much.

I can’t take the chance. I can’t trust some mafia guy I’ve never met to protect me. So what am I going to do?

Only one thing comes to mind. And no matter how my body seems to enjoy being close to Enzo, this is not something I want to do. In fact, it’s the last thing I want to do, but it might be enough to distract him.

So I do it before I can talk myself out of it, stepping up to him and placing my hands on his chest. “Are you sure there’s nothing else you would rather use me for than leverage?” I whisper before taking the chance and brushing my lips against his—teasingly, lightly, scared out of my mind but trying to make it look like I want to be seductive. Will he go for it?

He takes me by the back of the neck, sinking his hand into my hair before deepening the kiss, consuming my mouth, and crushing my lips. I want to be revolted. I want to recoil in disgust. And part of me does; part of me is sickened and disgusted.

The rest of me? Another story. A sizzling current runs through my body like somebody plugged me into a socket, lighting me up inside. This shouldn’t feel so good. I shouldn’t be this hungry for him.

I shouldn’t want him to put his hands on me.

He backs me up against the wall, holding me in place with his body the way he did when I tried to get away. But it’s different this time. This time, I want him pressed against me, all over me. I can almost forget who he is and what this is about once his tongue slides into my mouth, sending a current directly to my clit.

It’s probably not a bad thing when his hand tightens dangerously. I gasp in surprise, breaking the kiss, and open my eyes to find him glaring at me.

“Did I give you permission to touch me?” he whispers.