Page 7 of Kiss of Ice

“I’ve done nothing wrong. You should let me go.”

Her voice was low and melodious.

“Nothing wrong? You publicly called your Emperor deluded. That alone would merit several days in a cell.”

“I… I didn’t mean it to come out like that.”

“Hm. Why don’t you show me your face?”

“Am I under arrest, your Majesty?”

“Not yet.”

“Then I exercise my right to privacy.”

Kam’s lips twitched. She had pulled her plain woollen robe round her like a shield, hiding her entire face and body. It was impossible for him to make anything out. He knew she was female, because of her voice. But old? Young? Jinn? Fae? She could have been a one-legged hunchback for all he knew.

He glanced at her hands, the only part of her he could see. They were pale, the nails almost blueish, and he wondered fleetingly if she was cold. She was twisting a thick silver ring on her middle finger, toying with it anxiously, and he took pity on her.

“As it turns out, you were right. The Chief Healer revealed there is a charge for people needing care. I was unaware of this.”

Ren peeked at him from beneath her hood. He was admitting he was wrong?

“And what have you done about it?”

“I asked him to desist.”

Ren was surprised. She hadn’t expected him to do anything.

“Well, that’s great. But it doesn’t change the fact that there are plenty of other healing centres out there making people pay.”

“Now that it’s been brought to my attention, I’ll make sure the situation is remedied. But in future, if you have a problem, it’s probably best not to screech at the Emperor like a fish wife.”

Beneath the hood, Ren flushed.For the love of all the gods, just apologise and get the hells out of here.

“I’m sorry,” she said stiffly.

“Somehow I find that hard to believe.”

“Truly, I beg forgiveness, your Majesty.” She struggled to sound contrite. “May I go now?”

He hesitated. The woman intrigued him and he wanted to ask more questions. Who was she? Why did she hide her face? But unless he arrested her, there was no reason to detain her. He gestured at the carriage door.

“Be my guest.”

She had to slide past his legs to reach the exit. Awkwardly, she shifted along the banquette. The satchel knocked against it and the glass bottles inside clinked together loudly. Ren froze.

“What’s that?” Kam’s voice was deceptively mild but his eyes had sharpened. “What’s in the bag?”

“Nothing. It’s just…”

But he had already plucked the bag from her hands and was rifling inside. He held up a bottle of calora pills.

“Were youstealingthese?” His voice was incredulous.

“They’re not for me! They’re for someone who’s sick.” Ren desperately tried to make him understand. “A boy. He’s only a youngling, and his family can’t afford treatment. I was just trying to help.”

“By thieving?” The Emperor’s voice was hard. “This is enough to put you away for several years.”