“Your pep talks suck.”
“You know you can count on us for assistance. Nurhan and Feyir stand ready to implement whatever policies you decide.”
“Great. So all I need are some policy ideas.”
“Why don’t you ask Ren?” said Raya. The two jinn turned to her in consternation. “What? You said she wanted to help.”
“Ask Salaq’s daughter for help?” Kam snorted. “I’m allowing her presence for one reason only. To curb her father’s ambitions and keep him in check.”
“And they say romance is dead,” Raya tutted. “But she seems pretty astute. And you said she had some thoughts on the matter.”
“She has no clue what she’s talking about.”
“Is it possible you are too bull-headed to listen?” asked Shade mildly.
“Watch your tongue, Ifrit.”
Shade narrowed his eyes.
“Is that the tone you use with her? I am not surprised she treats you with disdain.”
“Look, why don’t you just see what she has to say?” Raya said quickly. “If you don’t think her ideas are any good, then fine. No harm done. But what if she actually has a decent plan?”
“Kam! Can you at leasttryto be nice to her?”
Grudgingly, Kam shrugged.
“Your engagement party’s tomorrow,” Raya continued doggedly. “Have you got her a present?”
“Yes. A gift? Maybe a ring?”
“I, um, is that expected?”
Exasperated, Raya threw her book at him.
“You jinn are bloody useless! Yes, Kam. Get the poor girl something nice. She’s leaving her home and friends to marry you. And even though Salaq is a complete tosspot, heisher father. I expect she loves him even if no-one else does.”
“What in the seven hells is a tosspot?”
“My wife is correct, my friend,” interjected Shade. “The usual custom is to present your betrothed with a gift.”
“For fuck’s sake. As if I haven’t got enough on my plate. What should I get her?”
“What does she like?”
“I have no idea.” He cast around wildly and came up with a blank.
“It’s so great that you’ve spent time getting to know her,” Raya said sarcastically. “Let me ask the servants.”
“The servants?”
“They talk to each other. There’s bound to be someone working here who knows someone at Valkar. I’ll send word to you. And then you can surprise her.”