Page 96 of Kiss of Light

His hunger finally blunted, he closed her wounds and drew back. But he didn’t retract his fangs and his eyes glittered as he looked her over.

“You manipulated me, demon,” he told her huskily. “And for that, you will be punished.” Her heartbeat quickened and he gave a slow, satisfied smile. A smile that promised delicious retribution.

He hooked one elongated nail at the mouth of her shirt and drew it downwards, severing the buttons one by one. Then he ripped the cloth from her, leaving her exposed.

He took his time. He examined her first, his eyes raking over her from top to toe, lingering on her breasts and the tuft of blonde hair at the juncture of her legs. She bit her lip, the feel of his gaze on her body almost as erotic as if he was using his fingers.

Her curves lit up in a flash of lightning. A moment later there was a crack of thunder so loud it seemed the heavens were breaking. And still he made her wait.

Finally, when she felt she couldn’t bear it a moment longer, he touched her. He cupped his hands around her breasts and squeezed the luscious mounds firmly. She arched her back as her stiffened nipples rubbed against his palms.

He lowered his mouth to one tight little bud and she gasped as his canines grazed the tip.

He didn’t break the skin; she wouldn’t have cared if he did.

A delicious tension was gathering at her core. She wanted,needed,to feel him touch every part of her.

He suckled at her nipples until they were dark and tender. She moaned as he pulled on them with his lips, first one and then the other, inflicting a pleasure that was almost painfully exquisite.

He moved his mouth down her body, lingering at her navel before traversing over her hips.

“Spread your legs, demon,” he growled.

She did so, the wantonness of the act making her breathless with lust. Her body was illuminated by another flash of lightning and she saw it reflected in the blackness of his eyes.

He lowered his head, but not to lick her silken folds. Instead, his mouth sought out the pulse beating in her groin. She tensed in expectation as he lightly grazed her skin with his teeth.

This time there was no pain when he bit down. The venom in his bite kicked in immediately and the act of drinking her blood there, so close to her sensitive nerve endings, felt as seductive as a kiss. Intense pleasure flooded through her. She held his head tightly, urging him to suck harder.

He groaned as her blood filled his mouth. Every throb of her femoral artery was matched by the throb of his erection. And it was having the same effect on Tala.

The heat between her legs was unbearable.

“Lemar… please… I need your mouth on me.”

He closed the puncture wounds on her thigh. But he didn’t turn his attention to where she most wanted it. Instead he kissed his way back up her body.

“You’ll have to beg more sweetly than that.”

So that’s what he meant by ‘punishment’. He was going to make her wait.

Desperately she reached down to touch herself, to bring herself some relief. He caught her wrist and shook his head reprovingly.

“You will come when I permit it. Not before.”

She rubbed her hips against him but he was unrelenting.

The urge to dominate her was almost uncontrollable. He had to master her. Command her. He threw her onto all fours and she waited, trembling, as he stroked his hand along the smooth line of her back.

He touched her ankh tattoo, caressing the curve of her buttock before sliding his fingers between her legs.

He groaned at how wet she was. How hot and slick with desire. He positioned himself behind her, his rigid shaft nudging at her weeping entrance.

He paused for a moment more, prolonging her chastisement. But then the thunder roared and he couldn’t hold back any longer.

She cried out as he sheathed himself fully in her silken folds, his savage momentum driving her forward onto her elbows. He grasped her firmly around the waist and plunged into her again and again, the sensation of being inside her almost making him lose his mind.

Tala dug her fingers into the grass and surrendered to the delicious invasion. A rush of ecstasy cascaded through her with each thrust, until she was shaking with excitement.