“Who does he have on his side?”
“The Marid, the sirens, the qareen, the peri, and some breakaway groups from the fae. The bestials have gone over to him.”
Tala frowned.
“I thought he hadallthe fae?”
“Not any longer. Most are now with me. Thanks to my betrothed.”
“The halfling? How come?”
“She is the new Fae Queen.”
“What?” Tala’s jaw dropped. “When the fuck didthathappen?”
Shade gave a half smile.
“There have been a great many changes since I last saw you. Aelfric is dead, for one thing.”
“There’s too much to explain now. But the end result is that Salaq and myself are almost evenly matched in numbers. The Vetali could make all the difference. Which is why we need to keep the Count on our side.”
“And you’re telling me this because?”
“You seem to have pissed him off. It is a singular talent of yours. I thought you were… friends?”
“Wearefriends. He just got the wrong idea about something. It’s fine.”
Shade’s blue eyes deepened to the colour of navy as he studied her.
“When I saw you last, you were complaining about having to save a, let me see, I think you called him an evil bloodsucker.”
“Yeah, well, people change.”
“Raya tells me he is in love with you.”
“She’s wrong.”
“I have learned that my wife-to-be is seldom wrong about anything.”
Tala seized the chance to change the subject.
“Talking of which, when are you two getting hitched?”
“Married. And you’d better be inviting me to the fucking wedding.”
“Of course.” He nodded gravely. “What would a wedding be without a foul-mouthed demon there?”
Tala grinned and punched him lightly on the arm.
“Seriously, boss. Don’t leave it too long. When you find the right one, grab them with both hands.”
She turned and walked off, shimmering as she went, leaving Shade looking after her thoughtfully.
Thirty Eight