Page 86 of Kiss of Light

“I’d like to see Shadeed if he’s here.”

“Of course. Come with me.”

The manservant led him to through the corridors to a beautifully ornate doorway inlaid with carvings. The oak doors opened to a Library with floor to ceiling shelves. Lemar looked about him with grudging admiration. The collection of books rivalled that of his own father, which was no mean feat.

Prince Vassago was a well-known connoisseur of literature and he’d been collecting books for hundreds of years. But Lemar saw there were first editions here his father would dearly love to get his hands on.

The thought that a hot-blooded jinn had anything in common with his cold-hearted father almost made Lemar smile.

Shade and Raya stood as he entered. Lemar realised they’d been sharing a moment; there were two glasses of nectar on the table and a half-finished book on the floor. Raya looked a little flushed, as if she’d been interrupted during her reading but not in a bad way.

“You have news?” Shade demanded, his blue eyes flaring.

“She seems better. She’s till asleep, but it’s normal sleep now. All the unnatural signs are gone.”

Raya surprised Lemar by hugging him impulsively.

“I’m so pleased. I knew she’d come back to you.”

Startled, Lemar met Lord Shadeed’s eyes. The jinn smiled ruefully.

“Forgive my betrothed. She was raised in a human world. My beloved, Vetali do not embrace.”

“Oh. Sorry. I’m just relieved. You were both so worried about her.” Raya gave an apologetic smile as she released him. Lemar studied her for a moment.

“I’m puzzled, my La… I mean, Raya. You don’t smell human. Yet I was given to believe you’re a half-blood?”

“I am,” Raya answered cheerfully. “Half elven, half Vulcani. Long story. Anyway, I’m going to leave you two to it. I know you have things to talk about. Good night.”

She left, taking her book with her.

There was a pause as the two men sized each other up. Then Shadeed dropped into an armchair and gestured for Lemar to do the same.

“I am glad Tala brought you safely to Nush’aldaam, Count Lemar,” he said. “I imagine it has been a difficult journey.

“It’s just Lemar. And it was eventful, that’s for sure. I haven’t thanked you yet for catching us when we came through the Gate. Tala didn’t warn me about its… geographical peculiarity.”

“I’m sure she didn’t,” Shade said drily. “I take it you will inform your father that it was not I who put the bounty on your head?”

“Of course. Have you tried to contact my father?”

“I sent several messenger sprites to the mountains but none ever returned.”

Lemar nodded.

“Palissandra’s shielded from outsiders. There are a shitload of traps for the unwary. You can only get through if you’re invited, or you know the correct path.”

“And yet Salaq has been communicating with Prince Vassago. We intercepted one of his messengers. He was suggesting your father readied his army to avenge your death.”

Lemar’s lip curled derisively.

“Dear old dad wouldn’t act so rashly. Not for me.”

“Really? We are getting reports of Vetali troop movements near the border with Nush’aldaam.”

Shade watched Lemar’s eyebrows track upwards.
