Page 80 of Kiss of Light

“Top of the outcrop, now.”

She shimmered, finally able to use her power comfortably. Lemar blurred up after her. The adrenaline of the past couple of hours was fading and a wave of tiredness washed over him. He rubbed a hand over his face.

The helicopter was now in sight, as were the first rays of the sun. Lemar hissed as he inadvertently stepped into a soft pool of early morning light.

“Tala, I don’t have long.”

“Just a few seconds more, I promise.”

She took the flare from her pocket and lit it. It exploded into the sky, leaving a trail of bright white light that stood out starkly against the pale dawn. The helicopter adjusted its direction.

Tala sighed in relief. Blake would be fine.

“Time to go.” She held out her hand and he curled his fingers through hers. “Word of advice? Probably best not to look down.”

He looked down.

“What’s all that white stuff?” he asked, puzzled, as he peered through the Gate into the realm beyond.

“You don’t want to know.”

“Why do I get the feeling I’m going to regret this?”

“Do you trust me?”


Together, they stepped off the ledge.

And into a howling abyss.

Thirty Four

They fell through the Gateway and into the dusk of Nush’aldaam. Lemar braced for impact but it never came. Instead, they kept falling.

And falling.

He realised what the white wisps were that he’d glimpsed from the other side of the Gate. Clouds. They were falling through clouds.

“What the fuck?” He had to shout above the sound of the wind screaming past them.

Tala yelled into his ear.

“So good news, we’re in Nush’aldaam. Bad news, we’re about twenty thousand feet up. That means we’ve got just under two minutes.”

“To do what?”

“To let Shadeed know where we are. He’s the only one in the whole realm who can catch us before we end up as pizza.”

“How will he…? Shit. That’s why you brought the flare.”

Lemar’s heart sank as he realised Tala had used their only means of signalling to help Blake. But Tala waved her left hand at him.

“It’s okay. I got a spare.”

“Tala, no! The last time almost killed you.”

“I’m prepared this time. And anyway, we have no choice. Immortal’s one thing, but I’m not sure either of us would survive a drop like this.”