Vassago swivelled to Tala again.
“You witnessed this attempted possession?”
“Better. I heard Ravij’s confession. I will swear to it in a court of law if I have to.”
The vampire’s penetrating gaze raked her from head to toe.
“We don’t have courts here, shaitun.Iam the law. And I have heard enough.” He strode to the doors of the throne room and threw them open. “Captain. The death sentence on my son is rescinded. I am issuing a new one for the true guilty party, the demon Ravij. Please convey that news to Lord Salaq of the Marid. And tell him also that I am aware of his attempt to manipulate me into an alliance, and I expect the bounty on my son to be terminated immediately.”
Lemar wanted to sink to the floor in relief, but he knew his father would see it as a sign of weakness. Instead he nodded courteously.
“Thank you, father.”
“Do not thank me. Your weakness in the first instance is what resulted in your exile and death sentence. Be glad you were able to remedy it.”
Tala was shocked at the callousness of Vassago’s reply, but Lemar seemed to expect it.
“Yes, father.”
“You’ve been gone a long time. Can I expect you to take up your duties immediately?”
“Of course.”
“Good. Then let us pay the mercenary and send her on her way.”
Mercenary? Tala realised he was referring to her. A slow anger started to burn in her stomach. He was speaking to Lemar as if he was a servant. And treatingheras if she was dirt on his shoe.
“Themercenaryis called Tala, your Highness,” she said tartly. She ignored Lemar’s look of alarm. “Lemar saved my life, did you know that? He took an arrow meant for me. You haven’t even asked him how he is.”
“Tala…” Lemar said warningly.
“No, Lemar, this is crap. After everything you went through to get here, he could at thevery leastsay he’s glad you’re back. I mean, did he even miss you? Well?” She glared furiously at the Prince. “Did you?”
Vassago raised an eyebrow so high it nearly disappeared into his hairline. She couldn’t read his cold stare, unsure if he was offended, bemused, or about to rip her head off.
Lemar held a hand out.
“Father, she doesn’t mean anything…”
“On the contrary, son, I believe she means every word. Let me put your mind at ease, demon. I am pleased to see Lemar and even more so that I do not have to carry out his execution.”
His tone didn’t change one iota. He may as well have said he believed the sky was blue. But judging by the look on Lemar’s face, this was the closest to gushing that Vassago got.
“Thank you, father,” he said.
“We will celebrate your return. Tonight, here in the palace. And in case there is any doubt, demon, I am inviting you also as an expression of my gratitude for helping my son.”
He swept out of the room, leaving Tala frowning after him.
“Not the most touchy-feely person I’ve ever met.”
“For him, that was practically weeping with happiness.”
“He doesn’t like me.”
“Don’t take it personally. He doesn’t like anyone.”
She shot him a look.