The centaur stared up, his face a mask of terror. And then the worm lunged. It fastened its mouth onto the hindquarters of the bestial and sank back into the earth.
The centaur screamed, limbs flailing, as he was dragged towards the wormhole. He gouged his fingers and hooves into the earth, trying to pull free from the worm’s grip. None of it helped.
Tala cringed as she heard the centaur’s legs and back snap as he was pulled bodily through the opening. And then he was gone.
There was a moment’s silence. Tala felt Lemar hold onto her tightly, as if he was afraid she might bolt. She didn’t think she’d ever stood so still in her entire life.
Then the centaurs turned back the way they’d come, fighting to overtake each other as they galloped for the safety of the trees. Only a few made it.
All around them, worms broke from the ground, dozens of them, a lethal army of silent predators. They were impervious to the arrows and spears that were thrown at them. Nothing pierced their mucous-covered hides. By the time the remnants of the centaur platoon had reached safety, their numbers were more than halved.
The last victim was the commander. Tala saw his eyes cloud in pain and disbelief as he was yanked underground, bones shattering audibly. Then he was gone.
Without their commander, the platoon was in disarray. Most of their weaponry had gone and they’d lost the stomach for the fight. They slunk back towards Nush’aldaam.
Lemar released Tala and readied himself to duck. She glared at him.
“What the fuck was that?”
“I’m sorry I hit you. I had to make them think…”
“Not that.That. The carnage that just happened. What the hell are those worm things?”
“They’re vorpals. Genetically created by Vetali scientists. They guard our perimeter.”
“I’ve never heard of them.”
“People who meet a vorpal seldom live to talk about it.”
“And they’re here? Under our feet right now?”
Her skin crawled. Demons were rarely freaked out, but the thought of those things just inches from her feet… Lemar nodded, amused by her horror.
“Everywhere. Hundreds of them. But don’t worry. They only come when someone stands on a vibration plate.”
“What’s a vibration plate?”
“Pressure discs, seeded throughout no-man’s land. When they’re triggered, they send out tremors and summon the vorpals.”
Realisation dawned.
“But you know where the plates are, don’t you? That’s why you’ve been changing direction so many times.”
“I can hear them. They’re designed to give out a location signal only audible to Vetali.”
“But what happens if someone who’snotVetali wants to visit? You know, for diplomatic reasons? Or just to say hi?”
“Then they’d better send a letter first. Otherwise they’re worm food.”
“Not exactly hospitable, the Vetali, are they?”
He shrugged.
“What can I say? Vampires have been persecuted for centuries. My father doesn’t take any chances.”
“Great. Really looking forward to meeting him.”
Lemar chuckled. Then he cupped her face in both hands.