Tala jumped and swore. She turned round to face the little wrinkled old lady who had definitelynotbeen there a second ago.
“I’ve told you before, Mama, you shouldn’t sneak up on me. You do this every time.”
“And every time, you startle like a nervous sheep. It is one of my few pleasures, shaitun.”
“One day you’re going to have to tell me how you do that. Not even a jinn can take me by surprise.”
“Then I am honoured to be sneakier than a jinn.”
Mama Xiaoling grinned, her yellow teeth and black eyes giving her a feral appearance. Tala fought the impulse to take a step back.
There was something about the old woman that unsettled her. Which was ridiculous, of course. Of the two of them here, Tala knewshewas the more dangerous.
Still. Mama was another refugee from Nush’aldaam, and a powerful wiccan. No point in antagonizing her.
“I need your help, Mama. Against vampires.”
Mama tilted her head to one side inquisitively.
“Vetali? You’re hunting one?”
“Trying to protect one against a bunch of others. It’s complicated. I need something to even up the odds.”
“Hm. Vetali are difficult to kill.”
“I don’t want to kill them, necessarily. Is there something that will weaken them? Knock them out?”
Mama Xiaoling laughed.
“You’re a fool. The only way to beat a vampire is to kill it.”
“I’m a tracker, not a murderer,” Tala said stiffly. “I’ll kill if I have to, but I would prefer to avoid it.”
“Then Count Darian Lemar is dead already.”
Mama Xiaoling turned away dismissively and Tala stared after her.
“Wait! How did you…?”
“I know many things. Including what will happen if the Vetali heir loses his head. Prince Vassago will swear vengeance on Lord Shadeed and Nush’aldaam will descend into chaos.”
“But if you know that, then you know Shadeed didn’t put out that contract. It was Salaq. Salaq wants the throne and he’s trying to force Shadeed out of the running.”
“Indeed. Even more reason for you to reassess your priorities.”
Mama Xiaoling’s beady eyes watched Tala with interest as she struggled with her decision.
Shit. She’d given her word to Shadeed. She didn’t have a choice.
“Fine. What have you got?”
“What do you have to trade?”
“I can pay.”Eventually.Mama Xiaoling sniffed.
“I don’t need money. But there is something you can give me. A prize to add to my herbal remedies.”
“Like what? I can send my driver to pick up whatever you like.”