Page 35 of Kiss of Light

Lemar turned towards her and she took an involuntary step back. Black veins snaked across his face, a network of spidery lines blooming beneath his skin. His eyes were liquid pools of night.

“He threatened you.”

“It doesn’t matter. I don’t want you to kill him.”

“Why? Because you fucked him?”

The anger in his voice was like a whiplash.

“Because he doesn’t deserve to die.”

He growled deep in his throat and turned back to Blake.

“Listen carefully, hunter,” he hissed, locking stares with the mercenary. “You will forget you ever found us. You will decide the contract isn’t worth the effort. You will return to New York. And one more thing.” He leaned forward and whispered into Blake’s ear. The hunter nodded, his expression glazed. Lemar let him go and stepped back. “Now take a nap. You’re very tired.”

Blake yawned and stretched.

“I’m knackered. Mind if I lie down on the bed for a minute, Blondie?”

“Be my guest.”

The burly hunter crawled onto the bed and curled up. Lemar watched critically, the black veins fading from his face.

“It’s a mistake to leave him alive.”

“Maybe. But thank you for listening to me.”

“Consider it an apology for my earlier behaviour.”

She looked at him curiously.

“What was that last thing you said to him?”

“I told him from now on he only finds brunettes sexually attractive.” He raised an eyebrow. “Do you sleep with hunters regularly?”

“Only the ones with really big guns. Come on. Let’s go.”

They left Blake snoring on the bed. Tala was glad he was out of the way, it was definitely a bonus to have him off their tail. And yet, as they walked towards the car, a feeling of unease crept over her.

She glanced back at the motel room, frowning. Her subconscious was trying to get her attention. What was she missing?

She slowed, replaying the last few minutes in her head.

“Is something wrong?” asked Lemar.

“Something Blake said. Some phrase he used. I thought it was off at the time but I can’t… it’s on the tip of my tongue…” she stopped dead and looked up at him, her face alert. “Shit. He said ‘us’.”

“What do you mean?”

“It tookusa while to track you. That’s what he said. Us, not me. That means…”

“He’s not alone.”

They were already running when the first arrows flew out of the dark.


They hurled themselves behind the SUV, taking cover from the silver shards raining overhead.