Page 34 of Kiss of Light

“She tell you we go way back?”

“She hasn’t mentioned you, no.” Lemar sounded bored and Blake bristled.

“We’ve shared a few adventures. And a bed.”

“Blake,” Tala began, but the hunter ignored her.

“She has a thing for bad boys, my friend. And I’m guessing that’s part of the reason she’s trying to do a deal on your behalf. But what she’s neglecting to tell you is that hunters who sabotage a contract become persona non grata. Shunned. Not welcome at hunter bars. And not invited to partake of future contracts.”

Lemar’s brows drew down as he took this in. He glanced at Tala.

“Is he right? By helping me you’re destroying your livelihood?”

She shrugged.

“It’s not that dramatic. There’ll be a few pissed off faces and maybe I won’t get invited to the Christmas party. But it’ll blow over.”

Blake shook his head.

“It won’t blow over, Blondie. You’re throwing your reputation away. For what? For a half dead bloodsucker? You always told me you hated bloodsuckers.”

Tala deliberately avoided Lemar’s gaze.

“This isn’t a discussion about me, Blake. I’ve made you an offer, a very lucrative one. So what’s your answer?”

Blake sighed regretfully.

“I never thought I’d live to see the day when you threw your life away for a vamp, sweetheart. But I can’t take the deal. I have a rep to uphold.”

“Blake, listen to me,” Tala said urgently. “Please listen. I’m giving you a chance here…”

Blake snorted.

“Give it up, Blondie. Fuck, it’s pathetic. I never thought a hardass like you would try to save the life of a leech like him.”

“She’s not.” Lemar drew himself up and looked straight at Blake. “She’s actually trying to saveyourlife, hunter.”

He moved in a blur, too fast for Blake to get a fix on him. The hunter fired wildly, once, twice, the silencer making the shots sound like corks popping. Then he was slammed against the wall and Lemar was ripping his guns from him.

He held the Glock in front of the mercenary and squeezed the muzzle. It crumpled like a straw.

“But… the silver…”

The cuffs were lying on the ground, broken into pieces.

“Silver only works on vamps from the inside,” Tala explained wearily. “I don’t know why anyone thinks they go all weak and defenceless just by touching it. Kinda stupid assumption if you ask me.”

“You learn something new every day,” Blake croaked. He met Lemar’s furious stare. “So what now, vamp?”

Lemar let his canines slide out. Sweat broke out on Blake’s forehead. The vampire leaned towards him.

“I can hear your heart racing, hunter. Did you know that adrenaline gives blood a certain piquant flavour?”

“Lemar, don’t.” Tala touched his arm. “Don’t hurt him.”

“He won’t stop coming after us.”

“Yes, he will. Compel him. Make him stop.”