Page 2 of Kiss of Light

She sighed, shaking her head.

“For the price-tag, there’s bound to be a load of other freelancers in the mix.”

“I wouldn’t worry about the amateurs, Blondie. I saw a newbie in here the other day. Fuckwit was carrying a shit-load of garlic. You could smell him a mile off.”

Tala snorted. The newbie was going to get himself killed if he believed a member of the onion family was a weapon.

“Blake, look. Offing that vamp could shift the balance of power in Nush’aldaam. Is there any way I could convince you to keep him alive?”

“Sure. If you pay me double.”

“You know I can’t do that.”

He shrugged, downing his whisky in one.

“Then I’m going to take his head, as per the contract.”

“You don’t even know what he looks like.”

“True. What the fuck is up with that? You can’t photograph a vamp? That’s messed up.”

“Something to do with the way they bend light. Don’t ask me. They’re weird fuckers.”

“Good job he’s got a distinguishing mark, then.”

“It’s on his chest, shit-for-brains. What are you going to do? Rip the shirt off every vamp matching the description? Good luck with that.”

“You know me, sweetheart. Whatever it takes.”

Tala studied him for a moment.

“Have you ever hunted Vetali before, Blake? Ever really gone up against one? You think you know them, but you don’t. They’re dangerous.”

“Don’t worry about me, Blondie. I’ve done my research. Contrary to popular belief, they do have heartbeats and they do breathe. In my book, that means they can be killed.” He grinned and slid off his stool. “Try not to get in my way, Blue-Eyes. I kinda like your face. I’d hate to ruin it.”

“You’re all heart,” she said sarcastically. He blew her a kiss.


She watched him go, knowing he was off to check out a possible location for the mark. Good luck to him. Normally she’d be doing the same, chasing down one lead after another.

But not this time. Because she knew something he didn’t. She had time to finish her drink.

She toyed with the glass, letting her shoulders relax. No-one else seemed to have the tip she did. It had taken several days to find the information but she was pretty sure she could get to the target first. Blake and the elven twins were her most serious competition and right now they were barking up the wrong tree. All she had to do was…

The door behind the bar opened. It led to the cellar and Tala glanced up, expecting to see Mike hauling a barrel. She froze.

Half a dozen vampires strolled out, as if they were taking a walk in the park. She knew they were vampires because she couldn’t smell them.

Vampires and ghouls were the only two creatures without a scent, and ghouls were ugly bald fuckers who scuttled around like Gollum looking for cadavers to eat. These weren’t ghouls.

They all had hair for a start. She wasn’t sure which were the better coiffed, the males or the females. And they definitely weren’t scuttling. They took up positions around the room, lounging with an easy grace that reminded her of leopards draped lazily across tree branches. Waiting for unsuspecting prey to pass by below.

She checked to make sure she hadn’t been mistaken about the time. Nope. Dusk was still an hour away at least. It was unusual to see vampires awake this early.

She called the barman over. Mike was definitely human. He smelled like he hadn’t bathed in a week.

“How didtheyget here?” she asked in a low voice. “It’s still light outside.”