Page 117 of Kiss of Light

They lurched out into a hallway. The Vetali blurred towards her, snarling in rage. She shimmered past him, planting an elbow into his back as he tried to regain his balance.

She should have brought her blade with her, she realised that now. Strapped it to her thigh or something. But she’d assumed this would be acivilisedparty.

Stupid, she admonished herself.

She punched him hard on the jaw and shimmered again. But he was expecting it now. When she reappeared he grabbed her by the hair, yanking so hard her scalp felt like it was being torn away from her skull. His open mouth lunged at her throat.

One of her hair pins fell out and caught on her dress. Metal. Not silver, but it would do.

She grabbed it and drove it into his eye. The Vetali screamed and let go, blood spurting from his ruined eyeball.

“What is the meaning of this?”

The cold voice cut through the fight, instantly halting it. Prince Vassago stood at the end of the hallway, flanked by two soldiers. His thin face was tense with anger. The Vetali fell back, a hand pressed to his injured eye.

“It was the demon, your Highness,” he spat. “She attacked me.”

Vassago turned his icy glare onto Tala. She tugged her dress down self-consciously, hoping she didn’t have blood on it.

“Youattackeda guest in my home?”

“Yes, I did. And I’d do it again.”

“You see?” the Vetali snarled. “An unprovoked assault. I demand retribution.”

Vassago gestured to the guards and they marched purposefully towards Tala. She stood her ground.

“If you’re going to arrest anyone, your Highness, you should start with him. He was feeding off a human. A servant. I thought that wasn’t allowed.”

“That’s a lie!” The Vetali shook his head vehemently. “I would never…”

Tala shimmered abruptly. She found the girl where she’d left her, curled up at the bottom of the stairs, blood caking her neck. She was still under the influence of the glamour and didn’t make a sound as Tala gently scooped her up and took her back into the hallway.

Prince Vassago hadn’t moved a muscle. His eyes scoured the servant lying limply in Tala’s arms.Then he turned them on the Vetali.

“Lord Behrad, isn’t it?” he inquired mildly. “You haven’t been to the palace in a while but I assume you know the rules.”

“Your Highness…” The Vetali was shaken. “I had no idea this was one of your servants. I thought… I thought…”

“What? That she was some poor lost human who’d accidentally wandered in to provide you with a meal?” Vassago nodded to a soldier. “Take the human to the infirmary. Have them heal her and make sure she’s comfortable.”

The guard took the girl from Tala and blurred away. Vassago turned back to the Vetali who had gone from belligerence to contrition.

“I’m sorry, your Highness. It was a simple mistake. I haven’t fed from a human for some time and I gave in to temptation. I realise now I made a mistake.”

“Yes.” Vassago’s tone was uncompromising. “You did. That human is an employee of this palace and as such is under my protection. You know the penalty.”

Tala watched as the Vetali fell to his knees, horror etched on his face.

“I beg you sire, not that. I’ll go into exile, I’ll consent to imprisonment, but please, not that.”

His entreaties fell on deaf ears. Vassago nodded at the remaining guard and the Vetali was hauled to his feet. He was dragged away, still begging for leniency.

“What’s going to happen to him?” Tala asked curiously.

“He will have his canines removed and the holes sealed with silver so they cannot regrow. He will never be able to bite again.” Tala tried to keep her expression neutral but Vassago sensed her consternation. “You think the penalty too harsh?”

Tala remembered the bruising on the girl’s face.