Page 11 of Kiss of Light

The club was on Bourbon Street, New Orleans’ infamous tourist trap in the French Quarter. Bars and restaurants jostled for space with strip clubs and souvenir shops, lit up with garish pink and green neon lights.

Tala walked along the street inhaling a mish mash of aromas; Cajun street food, cheap perfume, sweat, and weed. She glanced through the window of a voodoo magic shop. It offered love potions, evil eye charms and spiritual readings. She wondered what a voodoo witch would make of her future. Or her past, for that matter.

She found the club almost bang in the middle of Bourbon Street. Creole music spilled through the door where a granite-faced bouncer firmly controlled who could gain entrance. There was a queue of beautiful young things outside hoping they’d pass muster. Tala snorted and went round the back. Queues were for schmucks.

The fire door was shut but a quick shove with her shoulder put paid to that. She may not be as strong as a vampire but breaking locks was well within her capabilities.

The heavy beat of music assailed her ears as she walked into the club. Hm. Not bad. She decided she rather liked the Cajun influence. She knew she looked out of place with her leather coat, but rather that then reveal her blades. People tended to be skittish about things like that.

She eyed the bar which had a well-stocked whisky shelf. She promised herself that when she’d hauled the bloodsucker’s sorry ass back to Palissandra, she’d treat herself to a really,reallyexpensive bottle of single malt.

Sighing, she scanned the room. Vetali were flashy fuckers so he’d probably be in the private members’ area. That was what being able to compel others did for you.

Trancing was actually a really handy trick, she acknowledged grudgingly. She could manipulate people if she possessed them, but Vetali just had to look at them. Saved a lot of time and energy.

She peered round for the members’ area and spotted a cordoned off section on a smaller mezzanine above the dance floor.

She saw the vampire at once.

He was hard to miss. He sprawled languidly on a large sofa, his long legs stretched in front of him. His lean body had an athletic strength to it, his half-buttoned shirt revealing part of a smooth, sculpted chest. His hair was thick and black as midnight, curling almost to his collar.

He radiated charisma, which she knew was a trait of the Vetali. But she hadn’t expected it to be so strong.

Something inside her growled lustfully.

Damned demon hormones.

She folded her arms, a defensive measure, and froze when he suddenly locked eyes with her.

His eyes. Gods, they were mesmerising. Dark chocolate. Hypnotic. For a moment, she couldn’t draw breath. Couldn’t look away.

He stared at her as if he wanted to inhale her and she had an insane urge to vault up to the mezzanine and throw herself into his arms.

The hunter part of her noticed the glint of a canine and the spell was broken. She gave herself a mental shake.

He was a vampire. A filthy bloodsucker. He was just trying his Vetali tricks on her. She let her lip curl contemptuously and saw his eyes narrow.

Then she strode towards the stairs.

Lemar shook his head, trying to collect himself. Her reaction to him had been like a physical blow.

Contempt. Disgust.

With an effort he regained control, forcing his teeth and claws to retract. He wasn’t sure what had happened. He had never reacted like that before.

He was even more confused when he recognised her for what she was. A hunter. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen it earlier. The long leather coat which undoubtedly hid an arsenal of weapons. The way she moved with easy grace and supreme assurance. She had a confidence unusual in a woman so young.

If shewasa woman. She wasn’t human, he knew that. Her scent was different. It was dark, smoky. Black amber and burnt honey. Enticing, seductive, and … he frowned. Vaguely familiar.

“Count Darian Lemar?” she demanded as she drew close. He realised what she was and recoiled violently.

“Shaitun,” he hissed, his eyes blackening. “What are you doing here?”

“Easy, tiger. I’m not thrilled about this either. But you have to come with me.”

“Who sent you? Who is your master?”

“I don’t have a master,” Tala said irritably. “Now move your butt.”