Page 52 of Dead of Wynter

There’s a pause where I think maybe I have her pegged wrong, that maybe she won’t jump whenever I tell her to, but then a strangled moan escapes her throat and she nods. “Yes.”

“Good girl.” I smile down at her. One of her palms still rests on my cheek and I can’t help but lean into the warmth.

Being here with Wynter, being inside her after dreaming of this moment for so many years, it’s almost like it’s a fantasy, like any moment now I’m going to wake up and my cock will be in my hand, not in the woman I love.

A long whine claws its way from Wynter’s lips, her eyes squeezing shut for the slightest of seconds as she tries to hold on to her control.

“That’s it, dove, hold it for me. I know you want to come so badly, and you will, just wait a little longer.”

Her eyes meet mine again and my strokes falter. The number of times I’ve been lost in her eyes in the years I’ve known her, even when I was living on the sidelines of her life, is countless, but the way she’s looking at me right now, the love and trust in her gaze, it threatens to drag me over into the oblivion waiting for us both.

I’m not going to last much longer, it’s been too many years since I’ve been buried inside my woman, and my cock knows exactly where it is. It’s home.

“You feel so fucking good wrapped around me, Wynter. This pussy is a fucking national treasure,” I groan, my rhythm speeding up slightly as I bring us both closer to the abyss.

“Fuck, Everett,” she moans.

“Are you ready to come?”

“Yes, so fucking ready.”

I chuckle. She’s the only person who can make me laugh when I’m balls deep inside them, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. “Good girl.”

“Please,” Wynter pants. “Please, I need to come.”

A wicked smile tugs at my lips and I reposition myself slightly to bring one of my hands to her cheek, mirroring hers on mine. The moment is intimate, more so than anything I’ve experienced, and it’s almost overwhelming. Having her in my arms, safe, finally mine again, it’s too much.

The tingling in the base of my spine passes the point of no return, and it will only be a matter of seconds before I’m filling her with my cum. “Come for me, Wynter,” I command.

She shatters beneath me, her entire body tightening, her pussy clamping down on me so hard I can barely move through the fluttering muscles, and then she’s writhing beneath me, shaking from the force of the pleasure rolling through her.

“That’s it, little dove. I want it all. Give me every last drop of your pleasure,” I growl through clenched teeth. “I’m going to fill your cunt so often you’re going to smell like my cum and no man is ever going to come near you because they’ll know you’re mine.” I grunt the words as I lose all rhythm, rutting in and out of her, chasing my own bliss as she comes apart under me. The moment I fly over the edge white light flashes across my vision and my entire body stills for the briefest of moments before I start thrusting with wild abandon.

Hot ropes of cum fill her, and it snaps something inside me. The tether I’ve held on to for all these years, the one I’ve forced myself to hold since the day we met tears in half, and all I can think about is claiming her in every single way she’ll let me, and maybe even then some.

I collapse above her, holding my weight just enough not to crush her while we both fight to catch our breaths, but I make no move to pull out because I’m not ready to leave her warmth. There are words I should say, things I need to admit, but instead I roll us both until she’s sprawled across my chest, exactly where she’s meant to be.



Ipace the length of Storm’s office over and over again. I’ve been like this for the last half an hour, and every moment we spend in here is another moment I can’t sit still. My heart beats hard and fast in my chest as I listen to the other end of the phone line as Rayne and Tommy lead a team of our men in a raid of Russo’s warehouse. Everett is running point from behind the desk, his headset on as he guides the team with the use of security cameras and maps he shouldn’t have access to.

The fact they’re allowing me to be a part of this at all is a small miracle, so I’m trying not to alert my brother and whatever Everett is to me that I’m freaking out. While I’ve trained to take over the business in the event something terrible happens to my brother, I’ve never been a part of this side of things. There’s a file saved on my computer with the instructions of what I would do and who I would contact to help me, but Storm never wanted me to see it unless absolutely necessary.

And apparently absolutely necessary translates to if I’m almost blown up and find myself the main target of the enemy.

Everett and my brothers came to blows over my involvement, but ultimately I had the final say, and now I’m here, I’m not totally sure I chose right, not that I’ll ever admit that to them.

“Can you stop pacing? You’re going to wear a hole in the carpet.” Storm smirks from where he’s perched on the other side of the desk.

I glare at him but don’t stop my back and forth. The motion is keeping me from having a nervous breakdown because my brother is in the middle of enemy territory and his wife is none the wiser in the other room.

That used to be me. It’s always been that we didn’t know when something big was going down until afterward, and I’m starting to think I liked it that way. But I demanded to be a part of this, and so I have to stand by my choice.

“Seriously, Wyn, they’re fine. And anyone dumb enough to go after Tommy when he’s got a weapon will be dead in three seconds flat.”

Everett chuckles from behind the desk, shaking his head at the two of us but he never draws his eyes away from the three monitors in front of him. I always suspected Everett still worked for Frost, but I never had any proof. There were programs that were built that had his signature on them, even if no one ever admitted it, weapons that had a flare I recognized, and there were always a lot of mysterious phone calls. In all fairness, that last one isn’t totally unheard of anyway because of the line of work the men in my family are involved in, but I always suspected it.