“Do you want to come?”
“So badly,” she cries out.
I smile, watching as her body trembles from the pleasure I’m giving her, but the moment she stiffens is the moment I pull my hand away and throw the vibrator down beside her.
Wynter glares at me over her shoulder, the anger crossing her features only makes me want to chuckle more. She’s so fucking cute.
“What’s wrong, little dove?” I ask, my hand twitching to slap her ass again, but it’s time to move on, just not until she turns back toward the cushion.
“I need to come,” she whines.
I shake my head, slowly moving around to where she’s bent over and kneel beside her. My fingers brush across her cheek, tears of frustration run down her cheeks. Oh my little dove has no idea what I have in store for her, how many more times I’m going to hold her on the edge just to take her pleasure away. She’ll think twice about disobeying me in the future, because this is the real punishment. Sure, her ass is going to hurt, but there’s something so much more fun about orgasm denial. “Not yet, little dove. You’ll come when I decide and not a moment sooner, and if you do without permission, this will be your reality for the next week.” I shouldn’t be getting this much enjoyment out of her pain, out of her frustration, but fuck me if my cock isn’t so hard it could cut diamonds right now. “Now, we’re going to move on to the crop. Does that sound okay?”
Wynter’s breath catches and she closes her eyes for a moment as she gathers her composure. “Yes, that sounds okay,” she whispers.
I brush my fingers through her hair and smile down at her. “I’m proud of you, little dove. You’re being such a good girl for me.”
She preens under my praise and leans into my touch. She’s like putty in my hands and I can’t wait to mold her into the perfect little dove.
I give her a quick kiss, not allowing myself to linger for more than a moment before taking my place behind her again. I’m both frustrated and grateful I haven’t stripped yet. The longer I stare at my beautiful girl bent over for me, the harder it is to go through with this plan. It’s been too long since I’ve been inside her, too many years have passed since I slid into her tight heat for the first time and took the one thing I would never be able to give back. Not that I would even if I could. Wynter’s virginity is the best thing I ever stole.
I swat my own hand a couple of times to test the force. Despite this being a punishment, I have to go slow with Wynter or she’s going to retreat into herself and never want to try anything like this again, and that’s not something either of us wants.
The first strike makes her gasp, and I hold back the next for a moment giving her time to decide if she’s okay or not while I stare at the beautiful pink mark the crop left behind.
“Green,” she whispers, her hips moving ever so slightly as her body searches for relief.
“Let me know if that changes, little dove.”
I smile to myself as I rub the other cheek, preparing it for the blow it’s about to receive before I land the next three alternating from cheek to cheek. Wynter yelps as each one lands, but she remains perfectly still for me, barely jostling the whole time.
“One more,” I tell her as I rub one globe and then the next, the heat radiating into my palm.
Her hands clutch at the silk wrapped around her wrists and I move slightly to get the angle I need before swatting her swollen pussy lightly. The shock of the blow still makes her cry out, but as I rub her sensitive nub with the end of the crop, it quickly turns into a low moan.
“Still green, Wynter?” I ask, applying a little more pressure to her clit.
“Yes,” she moans.
“Your pussy is so wet for me, dove.” I remove the crop from her pussy to bring it around so she can see her juices covering it.
She smiles sweetly up at me, her eyes dancing with lust and mischief as they dart between the crop and my own.
“It’s almost like you’re enjoying your punishment,” I admonish. It’s not almost like anything, Wynter is loving everything I’m giving her. As frustrated as she is, she’s getting closer and closer to the place she craves and I can’t wait to get her there. “Clean it,” I order.
Her eyes widen for a moment but I don’t give her time to think about her options before the crop touches her bottom lip, and a second later her sinfully pink tongue darts out and across the smooth leather.
I barely stifle the groan clawing up my throat at the sight as she tentatively laps at the instrument that was causing her pain just a few moments ago. All I can imagine is her tongue moving up and down my length before she takes me into her mouth, and I barely stop myself from unzipping my pants and making that part of her punishment.
“That’s enough,” I growl when I can’t handle another moment. I throw the crop down on the other side of the sofa and kneel by her head again, my thumb brushing along her bottom lip. “Since you’re being such a good girl, I’ll give you a choice for what comes next. Paddle or flogger?”
Wynter’s eyes flare with fear and arousal. There are parts of her that are struggling to remain in the here and now with me, but the more she leans into what her body is feeling, the more she enjoys everything I’m doing to her. “I don’t—” Her words cut off as she closes her eyes and takes a few deep breaths. “I don’t know if I can.”
“Where are you at, dove?” I ask, ready to scoop her up and untie her at a moment’s notice if she says it.
“Green. I’m just… nervous.” For a woman who is normally so sure of herself, this is a rare show of the vulnerability she hides from the world.