Page 43 of Dead of Wynter

“Tell me what you need, dove,” Everett whispers as he trails hard kisses along my jaw and down my neck, tearing moans from the throat.

“You,” I pant. “I need you.”

Everett rears back for a moment to look down at me, and when our eyes clash he searches mine for something. “I won’t be able to take it easy, Wynter. This won’t be anything like our first time.” He’s trying to scare me off, trying to convince me to wait without saying the words, but I need this. I need him.

“I don’t care.”



The words slip from her pretty red lips so easily it’s almost like she’s not signing a deal with the devil. Every moment I’ve ever spent with Wynter has been a moment I’ve held back, never wanting to frighten her with the monster I hide. But as fury rages through my body I can’t hide that part of me anymore.

The devil begs to be unleashed, begs to see the light of day after so many years of hiding from the woman we both love, and if Wynter wants to meet him, who am I to say no?

“Okay, little dove, let’s play your way.” I drag my fingers down until they wrap around the front of her throat, ever so slightly restricting her breathing. “But there are rules.”

She nods under my grip, her eyes dilated with the rush of endorphins spreading through her body. Everyone outside this room, the entire world, would think she’s an innocent wallflower, but maybe I always knew she would be like this. That the darkest parts of me, would call to her.

“When I speak to you, I expect an answer. I need to know that you’re okay, and I might miss your head nodding or shaking, so I need words, okay?”

“Yes,” she whispers. There’s the prettiest blush climbing up her chest, over her neck and up to her cheeks. It’s almost the same color as her ass was last night when I spanked her and my palm inches to do it again.

“Good girl. We’re going to run on a traffic light system, do you know what that means?” I ask. If she’s been to a BDSM club, there’s a good chance they used this with her. It’s the easiest for a sub to remember when they’re teetering on the edge of subspace, and that’s exactly where I’m taking her tonight. She needs it, and I do too. I need her to give me her submission, and know I’ll take care of it just like I will her.

“Yes.” She nods. “Green means I’m okay, orange I need to slow down and talk, and red is stop.”

I smile. Fuck, I’m lucky none of those Doms at that club claimed her, because she’s just about as perfect as subs come. Obedient. A little bratty. And a whole lot of sexy. “Very good. Now, you are not to come until I explicitly tell you that you can. Do you understand?”

Wynter’s eyes widen for a moment, her bottom lip disappearing between her teeth. This is the part of the scene she wouldn’t have had much exposure to. She may have seen it as she walked past scenes at the club. If my girl was only there for punishments she probably wouldn’t have experienced edge play before, but it’s my personal favorite. Watching my sub writhe and beg and plead for her release only for me to take it away is one of my favorite things to do, and I have a feeling watching her in that situation is going to be my new favorite sight.

“Yes, I understand,” she breathes. Every breath I feel under my palm, and it’s a heady feeling to control something as basic as breathing.

“If you come without permission, dove, you will not be coming for the next week. I will bring you to the edge so many times, and so often, that you will forget your own goddamn name.”

Her eyes dilate further and my cock stiffens at the sight. She loves it. The idea of me controlling her like this is driving her wild, and I almost can’t restrain myself.

“Now, you know I will never do anything that would hurt you, but considering what has happened in your past, before I do anything we haven’t done before, I’m going to let you know what I’m doing. I will not blindfold you, however I am going to tie you up. If at any time it gets too much and you’re too overwhelmed with not being able to move, I want you to call out orange and we’ll talk through what’s going on, okay?”

“Okay, Ev,” she says quietly.

“Good girl, Wynter.” I smile down at her and take my time trailing my eyes down her body.

She’s still mostly covered by the towel, but the silky skin peeking out is tempting me like the apple tempted Eve.

“Are there any hard limits I should know about? Anything you absolutely do not want me to do to you?”

“Belts. I can’t.” She shakes her head and her heart rate speeds up under my fingers.

“No belts,” I assure her. It’s not my implement of choice anyway, I’ve seen too many subs walk away with lasting scars so similar to the ones Wynter has because the Dom was slightly too heavy handed. In the right setting, with the right people they can be fun, and maybe one day I’ll want to help her get past her fear, but for right now it’s not necessary for either of us. “Do you remember how to present yourself, dove?”

Wynter nods. “I think so.”

“Good. I need to go get some things from my room, I want you naked and in position when I get back,” I tell her, but I can’t bring myself to move. Her warmth below me feels so right it seems impossible to move, but when she wriggles beneath me I tear my body from hers.

Once there’s some space between us my brain starts to function again. It’s always been like this. Wynter has always clouded my vision, but that seems especially true now. Now I know what life is like without her in it.

If I were a good man, I would leave this room and not return until the thundering in my blood has calmed down. But I’m not a good man, and the only thing that can bring me down is Wynter.