“You’ve been summoned.”

I glance up from the armor I’ve been shining at the guard standing in the doorway. His grim face tells me all I need to know.

With a curt nod, I rise to my feet. I knew this day was coming from the moment I first stepped foot in the Grey Prince’s court.

“The other two as well,” the guard adds, shifting nervously on his feet as I move to step past him.

I give him another silent nod before turning my back to him and crossing into the adjoined bedroom. I’m not surprised to find the others already getting to their feet as they set aside their own menial tasks. We exchange a knowing look before moving out to join the guard waiting for us in the hall.

Unlike the court I last served in, the halls here a quiet. Our footsteps echo off the dark stone as we pass grim-faced servants hurrying about, their eyes never lifting to meet ours.

We turn down another hall and toward a flight of stairs, the guard keeping his distance from us. As we reach the bottom of the stairs, the guard steps aside, flatting himself against the wall.

“He awaits you in his chambers,” the man says gesturing toward the stairway.

“Very well,” I answer, the guard flinching at my voice even as we move to pass him.

“Really, he’s summoned us to his chambers?” Pierce whispers the moment we’re out of earshot. “This can’t be good.”

Rykker silences his complaints with a sharp look before I have a chance to answer. Of course, we’d heard rumors of the prince’s ways long before we were assigned to his court. Of how he likes to ensure those assigned to him and his court are truly loyal by finding ways to test them.

He summons those he wishes to test at all hours of the day, and always to his chambers. One man had even been summoned before the prince while he was in the midst of mating with his human female.

I have no doubt this is just another way for him to remind us that we serve him. That we are at his beck and call and that our allegiances are to him, and to him alone.

As we as approach a large pair of oak doors at the end of the long hall, I nod to the two guards standing outside. Wordlessly, they pull the doors open for us, shifting nervously on their feet as we pass.

It seems our reputation precedes us. I train my eyes forward, but I can’t help the way the corner of my mouth lifts at their apparent unease.

The heavy doors slam shut behind us the moment it’s possible to do so.

The room we’ve stepped into is cavernous and elaborately furnished, a massive bed set against the back wall. It is nothing short of luxurious with dark twisting wooden posts and silken sheets of bright white.

I turn my eyes from it as I bow to the man standing across the room, and the others follow suit. Even though his back is to us, I can sense the smirk on the prince’s face.

Silence fills the room as we wait, still bowed, for him to acknowledge our presence.

Finally, he turns to take us in. The Grey Prince is every bit as daunting in person as the rumors made him out to be.

His height matches my own, his broad shoulders squared and well-formed, long silver hair flowing down over them. Sharp features are matched by even sharper eyes as they move over us.

The prince takes a slow step forward, his brow arching as if in challenge. Reaching out, a servant suddenly appears to hand him a silver robe that he pulls over his shoulders before loosely tying it around his waist.

It does little in the way of modesty, and in some ways only draws greater attention to the near-nakedness of his body. There’s no denying that even this simple act is meant to be a display of power.

I suppose without such behavior, he wouldn’t be the cruel prince I’ve heard so much about.

“I’m sure you are each aware that this season’s Choosing is fast approaching,” he says. “Even new to my court, you must understand the importance of such an event. Yes?”

I bow my head before answering, “Yes, Your Highness.”

“Good. I am sending you three out into the cities to help with the selection,” the prince says, signaling for a goblet of wine to be poured. “It appears that my own guards are greatly incompetent when it comes to the task. I would you like you three topersonallyensure that the choices for this season’s females are more … satisfying.”

Without meaning to, I glance at Pierce and Rykker. The very thought of being one of the men to drag those poor women from their lives to a place such as this, to their deaths, makes my skin crawl.

I see the same displeasure cross their faces, as well. This is not what I’d expected the prince to task us with. Though, I know I shouldn’t be surprised. He has very little time left to procure an heir before his title will be forfeit.

Still, the last thing any of us wants is to be a direct part of the cruelty that is the Choosing. But we hold our tongues. The time has not come for us to reveal our true purpose here. For now, we must bide our time while we appear obedient and loyal to the Grey Prince.