Page 22 of Of Wolves and Women

I nod and they move back toward their beds. Lyra's eyes bore into me as I avoid glancing at her. I know she doesn't agree. It doesn't matter that I agree with her. Trying to escape is too risky. I should've realized that the others knew what I was doing and were waiting for their opportunity to hold it against me.

"Don't help them," Lyra hisses as I crawl into bed.

I sigh. "I have no choice. Either I help them, make sure they don't get caught, or they'll turn me in. I don't think Ms. Thompson will just slap me on the wrist."

"You'll be caught."

"I'll make sure that we aren't," I reply. "Come with us, Lyra. You don't have to stay here. I can get you out of here too."


I bite my tongue, forcing my arguments down. Closing my eyes, I let my mind spin as I formulate a plan. I'll get them out of here, but I won't leave Lyra alone. I know it's riskier to come back for her, but I hate the thought of her having to face the Grey Prince all alone. I hate the thought of him sinking his claws into her and no one trying to protect her.

"You don't have to let them bully you into this," Lyra whispers.

I've spent the day sitting at her side instead of out roaming the halls. Tonight, I need to be rested and ready for anything as I help the others escape. Lyra has used my presence to her advantage. Every chance she gets, she pleads and begs with me to stay. To tell them to forget it.

"I don't have much choice, Lyra," I whisper back. "They strike me as the type that won't hesitate to turn me in if I don't help them. Or they'd do it on their own and get caught. I can't let them walk straight into the prince's lair."

She makes a face at this but falls quiet. The day passes slowly as I listen to the others gossip about the guards. We catch glimpses of each morning. Some days, my eyes move over their faces as I search for the one that dragged me back here. He's never there. Or he is, but he's in the shadows of the hallway. It doesn't matter. I'm not exactly looking to cross his path again. Still, there was something about his silence and the way he let me rage before returning me here that has me curious. Not that it matters. He's a wolf.

"Please don't go," Lyra whispers as we prepare for bed.

"Come with us," I counter.

She sighs as she crawls into bed. Her eyes pinch as she stares at me. I wait for her to continue trying to argue with me. But she doesn't. It's worse than she pleads to stay. Her frustration and anger waft off her in overwhelming waves as she turns her back to me. I stare at her for a long moment before crawling into my own bed.

Laying on my back, I listen as the others drift to sleep. I wait until the moon shines through the window before slipping from my bed. Crouched by the window, the others wait for me. Joining them, I meet their eyes. They look excited about what we're about to do. I don't waste my breath warning them that we can't be caught. Or to follow my lead. They aren't my responsibility, I tell myself.

Shifting the glass pane, I slip out onto the ledge. A breeze caresses me, sending chills racing down my arms as I move so the others can follow me. I'm thankful that they're quiet as we leave the hall, and the others, behind. Their eyes are wide as their gazes bounce off the cliffs towering over us to the gardens below us. Hazel lets out a soft whimper as she clings to the window. Even in the dark, I can see the way her knuckles have turned white.

"Step where I step," I whisper to them.

Sophia and Isabella nod as Ava moves to follow me. Hazel remains clinging to the window. I worry for her, not sure that she'll be able to make the small leap from this ledge to the next. Gritting my jaw, I tell myself that she knew this would be dangerous. I've walked this ledge enough over the days that I could probably do it with my eyes closed. But I take it slow this time, giving the others time to find their footing.

A small squeal escapes Sophia. Turning, I find her teetering. Her left foot has slipped, and she barely keeps her balance. Ava reaches out, grabbing the front of her nightgown, steadying her. My heart pounds as I let out a silent curse. This was a mistake. Sophia shakes, her eyes wide as she stares at the ground far below us.

Two heartbeats pass before I continue along. I’m torn between ignoring the women behind me and being unable to tear my gaze away. As the gap between the ledges nears, I pause. Behind me, I can hear the ragged breathing of Sophia and the gentle sobs of Hazel. Staring at the gap, I search my mind for any other way to go. Any other way to lead them that won’t result in their deaths. But other than slip past the guards at the door, which is impossible, this is their only hope of escape. Perhaps it’ll be enough of an obstacle for them to rethink their plans and turn around.

“Watch me,” I say. “Do exactly as I do.”

They all nod as I meet their eyes. I wait until each of them has nodded back to me. Even then, I pause for another minute. I give them time to calm their racing hearts before I turn back to the gap. Having crossed it for so many days, it's no longer daunting, but I imagine to them, it might as well be a canyon between them and their freedom. With a breath, I move, gracefully leaping from one ledge to the next. The women gasp as I land and pivot to face them.

“Grab onto the stone here,” I say, pointing to where my hand is. “It’ll help you stay balanced when you land.”

Isabelle follows my lead, jumping and landing. She sways for a moment as her hand jerks out, but she manages to catch herself before toppling over. Her eyes are wide, her face pale, as she moves past me to the window that I’ve opened for them.

“Wait for the others,” I tell her as she drops into the room.

She nods as I turn back to watch Sophia move toward the ledge. Her entire body shakes as she toes closer to the edge, her eyes locked on the ground below. With a deep breath, she closes her eyes. Seconds pass, and I start to fear that she won’t be able to find the courage to jump. Finally, just as I’m about to tell her to turn back, she opens her eyes. Without a moment of hesitation, she moves. Her hand latches onto the stone as she lands. She stares at me for a moment before a triumphant grin pulls at her lips.

Ava is next, not even hesitating as she crosses the ledge. Before ducking into the room, she shoots me a smirk that has me rolling my eyes. Her confidence worries me, but I push my worries down as I glance to Hazel. She trembles, worse than Sophia, as she stares at the gap. She’s white as a sheet as she peeks down at the ground below. Blinking rapidly, she drags her eyes back to me.

“You’ve got it,” I find myself saying, surprised by my need to offer her some comfort and motivation.

She nods before moving to jump. My body tenses as I realize she didn’t put enough momentum into her jump. Her toes hit the ledge, and she tumbles backward, her arms cartwheeling through the air as she scrambles to catch herself. I’m already moving, grabbing ahead of her nightgown and pulling her through the window with me. We collapse onto the floor, Hazel trembling and sobbing atop me. Gasping for air, I not so gently shove her off of me.

“I never want to do that again,” Sophia comments.