Page 15 of Of Wolves and Women

The words slip from me, chased out of me by surprise that she managed such a feat. She must have been turned around in the trees to have ended up back here. I’m nearly tempted to let her return to the trees. To alert Rykker and have him escort her far from here.

“You found her.”

Glancing over my shoulder, I bite back a curse. Walking toward me is Alaric. He nods toward the woman, who is slowly stepping back toward the trees. Her eyes dart between us before landing on me. They plead with me to let her escape, to step in front of her and let her vanish back into the safety of the trees. If not for Alaric, I would. But he’s loyal to the Grey Prince. Word will return to the prince that I let one of his women escape.

Reaching out, my hand wraps around her bicep. She curses low, but I still hear it. Not only did she manage to escape once, but she’s not meek like the others. There’s a fire in her eyes when she meets mine. I have a strange urge to explain why I’m not helping her.

“I’ve got this,” I tell Alaric.

But either he doesn’t hear the dismissal in my tone or just ignores it. I don’t like the way his eyes linger on the woman. Even in her torn and stained dress, it’s clear that her femininity is distracting. Without meaning to, I all but drag her to my side. Alaric just grins as he turns to head toward the others.

She’s silent next to me as we move toward the others. I expect her to tug against my grip, but she doesn’t. It hits me that I should be more upset that one of the women escaped. That somehow, she managed to slip away. I can’t find it in myself to feel anything but admiration at her tenacity and skills. If not for the trees, I’m sure she would be long gone before we thought to chase after her.

As I return her to the others, I’m reluctant to release her. The others take a step away from her. The women eye her with mistrust before their eyes flick back to the guards fixing the carriage. Seeing her next to them, it’s clear as day that she doesn’t belong here. She’s not one of them. Something about her stands out, though I can’t quite put my finger on it.

Forcing myself to release her arm, I move away from her. Still, my eyes seem to seek her out as the cart is fixed. She stands tall the entire time, even as she’s dragged back to the cart and tossed in. Out of sight, I still feel the strange pull toward her. I’ve felt that for anyone before. No female before her, especially no human female, has had the effect on me.



After my failed escape, I find myself with my ankles and wrists bound together before being tossed back into the cart. With the wheel fixed, we set off. I note the way the other women shift away from me. As though worried that they'll find themselves as bound as I am from just rubbing shoulders with me. I don't mind. In fact, it's a small relief that I have a little room to breathe as the cart bounces over rocks and ruts in the dirt road.

I try to shake the image of the shadow creature I saw in the woods. But I find that I'm more curious than I should be about what was stalking me. Was it one of these wolf men? I've yet to see any of them shift, to see their full power in person. Sure, like everyone else, I've heard the rumors of the powerful jaws and dangerous teeth. Of the muscles rippling as they hunt you down and end you. Maybe it's my lack of sleep as another sleepless night greets me. Or maybe I've accepted that my fate may involve running from such a creature. Either way, I'm surprised that I'm not as terrified as I should be by the thought.

The fourth day of our journey dawns, and I sense a shift in our guards. Their manner changes from relaxed to more alert. That's my first clue that we've nearly arrived at our destination. The next is the uneven dirt path finally gives way to a smooth brick path. Most of the tears have dried on the women's cheeks, but a nervous energy overtakes them. Some whimper while others begin to send silent prayers to any god that will listen. A few have grown eerily quiet, their eyes glassy as they stare out of the cart.

I try to fight the growing urge to peer out of the cart, knowing that we're drawing closer and closer to our destination. I'm not sure what to expect from the wolves. It doesn't matter, though. It's not like I plan on staying for longer than I have. The first chance I get to escape, that's exactly what I'm going to do. This time, I won't let the shadows scare me away from my freedom. Not again.

"Oh," one of the women breathes.

The others let out sighs as well, and I'm unable to stop myself. Shifting forward, I stare up at the castle we're drawing closer to. White towers peek out from the trees, offering me my first peek at the wolves' castle. Stunning doesn't even begin to describe the white stone building as it reaches toward the blue sky above. It's delicate, unlike anything I've seen before. Behind it, towering gray cliffs rise but do little to dwarf the stunning castle.

"It's like a fairytale," someone breaths.

I snort. A fairytale that's full of blood and murder, maybe. Even though the castle is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, I don't let myself get swept away in it. I imagine that many women before us have forgotten at this moment, as they glimpse the castle for the first time, what awaits them at the castle. Wolves that intend to use us for their own good before ushering us all to an early death.

Leaving the rest of the women to gawk up at the castle, I move deeper into the castle. My movements are clumsy, thanks to my restraints. They ignore me as they continue to stare. It seems all it takes to distract them from our fates is a pretty building. Annoyance fills me at the thought. Dark thoughts of what awaits us at the castle fill my mind. I wonder what the creatures that live there will be like. Cruel beyond measure, I'm sure. They must be if they don't blink at stealing away women.

Hours pass before the cart finally slows. My heart picks up despite my best efforts to remain unaffected. The guards shout as we approach a large white stone wall and golden gate. Never in my life have I seen such wealth. I think back to the gray city. The gate is enough to feed all the starving children there for at least a month. If not longer. Hatred burns through me as we move through the gate. The wolves not only hold all the power but all the wealth. Still, that's never been enough for them. They must also steal us away, to strike constant fear into every young woman in our kingdom.

The trees slowly give way as the castle comes back into view as we pass by it. I'm unsurprised when the cart diverts away from the front of the castle. We may be here to ensure the wolves have a future, but we're to be reminded of our place. The cart comes to a stop in a gray brick courtyard. Over the heads of the woman at the edge of the cart, I can make out a line of women in black dresses waiting.

Silently, the guards unlock the cart and begin helping the women down. Most sway as they crane their necks to stare up at the castle. I keep my eyes on the guards. They seem reluctant to untie me, which brings a smile to my lips. It's a reminder that I'm not meant for this world. The moment the guards turn their backs, I plan on running for it. Making it further this time.

I don't get the chance as a tall woman steps forward. Her narrow face is full of sharp angles as her cold eyes move over us. Thin lips pulled down in a frown as she glances toward the guards. Without saying a word, she's made it clear she's unsatisfied with us. I watch her, curious about how a human such as herself has not only survived here but somehow managed to find herself in a position of power. At least, power over those brought here to die.

"I am Ms. Thompson," the woman says, her clear voice carrying over the quiet courtyard. "I will be the one overseeing your stay here while our prince makes his selection."

With a nod to the line of women behind her, they step forward. I note their blank faces and empty eyes as they usher us forward. The guards fade away, and for a moment, hope rises that this is my chance to slip away. Then a maid reaches for me, her fingers catching my arm and dragging me forward. I'm surprised by the firmness of her grip despite her hollow stare that I find myself letting her drag me further into the courtyard. Her hands move toward my dress, and I finally snap back to myself, doing my best to detangle myself.

"Do not fight this," Ms. Thompson says. "We mean only to wash and clothe you. Then you will be introduced to the Grey Prince. The easier you make this process, the better for everyone."

The threat in her words startles me enough that the maid manages to tear away my dress. Her hands are quick as she pulls away the rest of my clothing. I'm left standing naked in the courtyard, surrounded by the other naked women brought here. The maids return with basins of water.

"I can wash myself," I tell the maid as she dips a cloth into the water.

She ignores my words, or perhaps she doesn't hear them. Her hands are gentle as she washes the grim from my skin. I tense under her touch, my eyes moving about the courtyard until they land on Ms. Thompson. She watches me, disapproval bright in her eyes. Unlike the guards who grabbed me, she can tell that I'm not meant to be here. But she says nothing. Perhaps the wolves have grown desperate that they'll overlook my flaws. The thought unsettles me.