Page 76 of King of My Heart

Her features tense at the nickname, but she still doesn’t tell me not to call her that. “What if I did? Jealous?”

She puts her hand on mine and pushes the door open.



I’m a Sucker for a Liar in a Red Dress– Adam Jensen

The club is smoky enough that we can’t see a few feet in front of us. Red strobes cross the all-black dancefloor, and the deep bass music renders us deaf. I grab Rose’s arm and pull her closer.

“Stay close,” I say loudly in her ear. For fuck’s sake, I’m going to pierce an eardrum in here. I’m starting to understand why Sam sent me. He hates loud places. The boy needs his calm and Zen. He also didn’t want anyone here to recognize him. Mainly, he didn’t want to spend time alone with Rose.

Zigzagging between sweaty people, grinding against each other, I guide us to the bar.

“A Polugar,” I tell the young bartender. She’s a sultry blonde wearing a red corset and a leather skirt.

“And a whisk—”

“That’s it,” I tell the blonde. She turns her back to us to pour my vodka.

“What the fuck, I want a drink too. At least make it worth my time.”

“No,” I tell her. “You get to stay quiet and wait. And for fuck’s sake, try showing that you’re halfway decent looking.”

She’s damn gorgeous, even in an oversized denim jacket and afuckingturtleneck. But she knows that and needs her head to be screwed back on her shoulders. My stern voice must have annoyed her, because she stares at me with narrowed eyes.

“Don’t try to order me around, Lik. Your boyfriend might have something to blackmail me with, but you’re just his little pet.”

She takes a step closer to me and it annoys me that she’s not even short. While she’s skinny and I’m big, the bitch must be barely an inch shorter than me, and I’m six fucking feet. She doesn’t even have to look up to speak straight to my face.

A smirk appears on her face. “I know the kind of guys Sam fucks. You’re his sub. That doesn’t give you any power over me.”

My nostrils flare, accidentally taking in her flowery perfume. When she pushes her voice to speak over the music, it makes it raspier than she usually sounds, and I keep having to fight my brain to stop finding it hot. Her little smile looks too much like a winning one. So I smirk back until she looks confused.

I walk around her slowly and settle against her back, so I can talk directly in her ear. “It would be a grave mistake to think that because I let one man dominate me, I am not a dangerous being myself.”

I feel her tremble. Slowly, I take her jacket off her shoulders. “It would be foolish to believe that I can’t take the reins, especially when it comes to little, bratty princesses who think they’re stronger than me.”

She stills completely when my hands grab the material around her throat. The thick rings around my fingers glint from the red lasers hitting against the metal.

“I told you to look sexy, princess.” I pull harshly, ripping off her turtleneck from her throat, all the way to her breasts. She gasps and brings her hands to mine. “Tsk, tsk,” I tut her, pushing her hands away. I grab the bottom hem and rip it, too, then tie it into a knot just under her boobs. “Next time, don’t make me repeat myself.”

I walk back in front of her and look at her new look. The turtleneck is ripped low enough to show between her boobs and tied again just under them. A few tattoos peek out from her collarbone, and the ones on her stomach are also exposed. She finally fits right in at the club.

“There you go. Wasn’t so hard, was it?” The bartender gives me my drink and I give it to her. “That table over there,” I say, pointing at a table with three men sitting around it. “I want you to bring them this drink. Make friends with the fat one. And, you know, do what you do best. Make the other ones jealous.”

It’s death that stares back at me. Violence is battling in her eyes, ready to annihilate me. She truly hates being told what to do. And yet, when I look down, I don’t miss her thin thighs tensing and slightly rubbing together.

My lips curl slightly because Sam was right. It’s always the most potent spirits that get turned on by being dominated.

“Off you go.”

She turns around, her fingers tight around the glass. So tight, in fact, I expect it to shatter any minute now.

Watching Rose is quite an experience. I wonder if she’s ever tried to flirt with anyone, because looking at the scene in front of me, she doesn’t even need to.

The three men are already captivated by her, and all she’s done isnotwhat I told her.