Page 17 of King of My Heart

She looks like a warrior who is going to wake up stronger than ever.

Against my own will, my thumb skims her lips, tracing the outline and relishing in the feeling of her skin against mine.

She stirs, her eyes opening but looking through me rather than at me. She’s completely drugged from the medication, lost and unaware of what is happening.

She won’t remember this, and I use it to my advantage.

“Sam?” she rasps.

“Welcome back, Rose,” I whisper. “Hell has been waiting for you.”



Mars– Yungblood

It took four whole weeks for my ribs and wrist to heal. That bullet wound in my thigh still hurts, but it’s starting to scar. Four weeks and the people around me still manage not to crack and ask me all the questions they want the answers to. I stayed at the hospital one week and the rest here, at the Murrays.

I love them, but I don’t like being here. I feel like each second that ticks puts Hannah and Thomas in more danger than they should ever be. The Wolves are going to come get me. Viktor Volkov is going to shake Heaven and Earth to find me. It’s weird that he hasn’t yet, but I know he hasn’t forgotten about me, and I don’t want to be here when his goons destroy everything in their way to bring me back home.

My life is calm. Oddly calm. I’ve still got that phone Detective Turner gave me, even though they haven’t contacted me. No one has my new number, so I’m not really communicating with the world apart from Jake, Chris, and Luke. Sometimes Jamie. I haven’t done anything except recover from the accident and there’s a hole in the middle of my stomach, swallowing my feelings and replacing them with the anxiety of impending disaster.

I’m bored, aimless, and it’s driving me insane.

Chris keeps wanting me to do something, to go to college. What the hell am I gonna do there?

You can go to community college. You’re still eighteen. You skipped a grade, it’s the right year for you.

You can’t throw your dreams away, Rose. You’ve always wanted to go to law school.

We’ll re-apply to Duke next year. They’ll understand the extreme circumstances. They’ll offer you another scholarship.

Another lacrosse scholarship now that I can’t walk properly? I doubt it.

I don’t want to go to Silver Falls Community College.

Silver Falls is the closest city to the town that is Stoneview. The two shores are separated by the Silver Snake River. The South is like any other U.S. city. The North Shore, however, is a gang city. And I’ve got nothing against them. They do what they can in the poverty they’ve been forced into by a government that failed them. I could have been any of them had I not gotten the chance of being put in a wealthy foster family like the Murrays. However, I’ve had enough trouble with them, enough sticky situations. Girls who didn’t like me, guys with whom I had to escape from tricky situations. My older brother and Sam were too involved with them. And until I know how to get my revenge on him, I don’t want to be anywhere near places he could be.

Silver Falls Community College is on the North Shore, and I don’t want to see the people there. I don’t want to bump into the kids I used to party with. Hushed whispers travel fast there, and I’m not ready to hear them.

Rose White killed Vladimir Volkov, then his sons took her.

Now that she’s back, the war between the Bianco Family and the Wolves will start again.

Which side is she on?

And that’s the problem, isn’t it? The inability of people to understand that I’m on no one’s side. I’m on my own side, desperately trying to get out of this shit and live my own life.

I was eight years old when Mateo Bianco became our foster parent. We were dragged into a life of crime because the psychopath was obsessed with us. He was the head of the Bianco Family and was well on his way to controlling the whole world of criminal organizations when it came to the East Coast.Hewas at war with Volkov.Hetook us down with him.

But I’m the one who shot Vladimir Volkov to death. One quick and perfectly aimed shot. His death for the price of my life. The price of my freedom.

The North Shore has always been divided through its petty gang activities. The North Shore Crew against the Kings of the North Shore, aka the King family.

My life wasn’t linked with theirs until Bianco struck a deal with NSC. Their loyalty in exchange for them to be able to carry on with their ‘activities’ without legal repercussions. But mainly, Bianco promised to eradicate the Kings.

Which never happened since Bianco got sent to jail before he could fulfill his promise. Because of Bianco’s downfall, the NSC lost their power on the North Shore, and it is back to being a city broken in half.