Page 82 of King of My Heart

“Put the toy away,princess.”

She nods, seemingly agreeing, while I know she doesn’t at all. “Cool.”

The bullet flies past my head, making me duck behind the sofa.


At least she missed. Or so I thought until I see my bloody earring right next to where my face is resting on the sofa. And the blood. A lot of blood.

The pain comes right after. My hand shoots to my ear as I hiss in agony. It’s a graze, but fuck, it hurts. She got me right in the earlobe.

“It’s called a warning shot,” she informs me casually. “I think it’s time we look at our agreement again. If Sam wants to threaten Rachel, fuck, if he wants tobruiseher, nothing protects you from me.”

Bruise her? I hear her steps, but I don’t look up.

“Get up. With your pretty hands high above your head.”

She’s rounded the sofa and is standing a few steps away from me. I raise my hands above my head before straightening and slowly getting up. “So you think my hands are pretty?”

“So pretty it would be a shame to put a hole through them.” She cocks her head and smiles at me.

“You know he’s on his way, right? You’re a dead little lady if he finds you like this.”

“Oh, don’t worry.” She shrugs her shoulders. “All he’ll find is your dead body. I’ll be gone by then. You know, I was so adamant about killing him for betraying me. But you guys inspired me. I think he’ll suffer a lot more knowing he was the cause of your death.”

Okay, this feels a little too real. I can’t believe I’m going to die for the liar who said he hadn’t spent time—bar from their childhood—with my murderer before he met me. I don’t fucking deserve this.

“You don’t want to be called princess. Noted,” I nod. “But you’ll have to find the Volkovs for Sam, whether I’m dead or alive.”

“I see you’ve never seen Sam in mourning. He’ll leave me in peace, don’t worry.”

“What does that even mean?”

“Well, he’ll go on one of his drinking benders, destroy everything around him. And, once he’s done, he won’t remember what happened the whole time. At least that’s what he did for his mom. I can only hope he loves you that much. Otherwise, I am in deep shit indeed.”

My mouth goes dry. I knew his mom died when he was younger, but I never knew that’s what happened afterward.

And she sees it.

“Aw.” She fakes a pout. “I sense you and him are not as close as you thought. Don’t be so sad, Lik. He is a tough man to get through to. Pity you won’t get to know him better before your death.”

Seriousness crosses her gaze, focus tenses her body, and I recognize she is about to shoot. Her index finger starts pressing against the trigger, and I shout my next words in panic. “Fuck, stop! I’ll tell him to drop it!”

A smirk settles on her face, her winning eyes glinting with pride. “Yeah. You will. You’ll tell him to drop out of his contract for the Volkovs. And you’ll tell him that if I ever hear or see him near Rachel again, he’ll have to use all his hard-earned money on someone to fill the bullet holes I left in you. Is that clear?”

“Yeah, it’s fucking clear. Pretty graphic, actually. I’ll call him.” Visions of my body covered in bullets do cross my mind and I hate myself for it.

“Yeah. Right now, actually. Get your phone out.”

Blood is still dripping from my ear, and I have to wipe some before I can focus again.

“You gave me a headache,” I mutter.

“I’m sure your owner will kiss his little pet better.” Her eyes dart to the lock around my neck. The weight of it just above my chest is a constant reassurance. That Sam loves me, that he’s got me. That he owns me. There is no better feeling than that. Like the sun knowing the moon will take over every time it needs rest.Always.

I chuckle. “You want to make it sound like it’s a bad thing, but all I can hear is the jealousy in your voice.” Her jaw clenches slightly. “You like that kind of game, Rose. I saw it at the club,” I keep taunting her. “You wish you could be owned by Sam. Except, all you got tonight was me, and still, you loved it.”

“And tell me, Rose.” The British accent resonating behind Rose accelerates my heartbeat.