Page 78 of King of My Heart

I shake my head, faking disappointment as if we do this every day and she can’t get it right. “Gentlemen, that wasn’t very impressive, was it?”

“She needs better training,” my new friend tells me.

I’m starting to see, while I’m handsome and he’s ugly, that we have a few things in common. First of all, we discovered only tonight that we both like touching Rose. Secondly, we now also both want to train her in BDSM.


“I agree.” My gaze goes to the three of them and back to my fat friend. “You wouldn’t happen to know of a place to take her?” I say knowingly.

He cackles a laugh, shaking his head.

“You’re funny for an ????????.” He keeps laughing so much that he starts coughing his lungs out.

Did he just call me an American? Funny ‘cause no one calls me American here.

“You got balls,” he finally says after his coughing fit. “Coming into my club with your barely trained bitch and asking to access our rooms.”

I notice Rose’s hands tightening into fists by her sides. Her lips are slightly parted, and I feel like if there was no music, I could hear her whisper something.

“You seemed to have a keen interest in my barely trained bitch a minute ago. I’m offering to add a new client to your business. How stupid of you to consider refusing my money.”

“I’m not refusing yet.” His eyes are glued to Rose’s cleavage. What the hell is he looking at? I’m thicker in that department than she is.

“You just called my sub a bitch. I get to do this. You don’t.”

Malik Benhaim, what in the fucking hell are you doing?

This plan is fucked if that guy doesn’t let us into tomorrow’s party. And here I am telling him off for calling Rose a bitch?

He exchanges a look with his colleagues, takes in Rose from head to toe, and looks back at me.

“Eleven p.m. tomorrow. Say you’re a guest of Semenov. Entry is a thousand per guest.”

Semenov. That was his name. All I could remember Sam telling me was to look for a fat guy by the black door. Not the only door, not the only fat guy in here. This could have gone really bad.

I nod. “I’m Kill,” I lie as I introduce myself. “I’m looking forward to it, Mr. Semenov.”

“And make sure she dresses appropriately, or littleprincesshere won’t have a good time getting corrected in there.”

I’m surprised Rose’s teeth haven’t cracked at how tight her jaw is. She must be hating this with a dangerous passion. Especially now that she understands what the actual goal of tonight was.

I extend my hand. He looks at it for long seconds before shaking it. “Pleasure doing business with you. See you tomorrow.”

I put a hand on the back of Rose’s neck and guide her away. I grab her denim jacket I had left on a stool by the bar, and we’re out the next minute.

She’s silent until we’re sure no one can hear us anymore, locked inside the car.

“You fuckingasshole!” she rages. She punches the dashboard, not controlling her anger, and shakes her hand. She’s undoubtedly hurt herself.

“That was stupid.” I roll my eyes and push around the shit in the middle console until I find my pack of gum. Sam keeps it there for me. I need something to take the edge off, but I’m not allowed to ingest anything fun. So I throw three pieces of gum in my mouth and chew until my jaw hurts.

I crack every one of my knuckles as Rose insults me. She hits the dashboard again and I rub my temples.

“I’m warning you now. You can tell Sam to go fuck himself. I’m not going into your fucking BDSM club just so you can find the Volkov brothers. It’s a shit plan. They don’t go there. They’re not fucked-up like you and your boyfr—”

I turn around so violently that she jumps in fear. But it’s only when I brutally cup her jean-clad pussy that she shuts up in a gasp.

“Shut the fuck up,” I growl at her.