Page 46 of King of My Heart

My words were supposed to hit him hard, especially because of their truth. Instead, he smiles at me.

“Good thing your life isn’t worth shit, then. Isn’t it?”

He turns toward the stairs and shouts to someone upstairs, “Come down!”

But I hear more than one set of footsteps coming down the stairs. It’s one set and another struggling one. It’s muffled squeals and insults. And even if I can’t see the person yet, I recognize the restricted voice. I feel the presence in my bones.

“Maybe her life is worth a little more to you?”

My blood freezes when I recognize the man who walks into the room. His dark skin, curly brown hair, and chocolate eyes. His North African features, with long lashes and a glow that I know makes most girls fall at his feet.




Head Like A Hole– Sam Tinnesz

“You fucking–”

Sam cuts off my rage straight away. “Let’s skip the part where you tell me how much of a bastard I am.”

“Are you out of your damn mind? Let her fucking go!” My voice breaks as it goes higher than it should. It makes my order sound too weak.

“You know Lik, right?”

Flashes that make everything so clear come before me. The questions Lik asked about me, the interest out of nowhere. He didn’t get anything he could use against me. Not until today, when I told him about Rachel.

Then Sam used Mattock.

They played me like a fucking rookie, and I fell right into it. Sam is taking this to another level and I’m not about to let him.

But then I look at Rachel. Her wrists are bound behind her back, and they’ve gagged her with a cloth that’s digging far into her mouth and pulling her lips back, leaving her with a mouth half open.

I watch helplessly as Sam snatches her from Lik. The movement is violent to scare me, but the way he looks at him…it’shim.

The dick who stole Sam from me. His fucking boyfriend. The man he supposedly fell in love with. Hard enough to push me away. No one had ever put themselves between us before.

Sam and I might have never been together, and back then, we might have never kissed or expressed our attraction with words, but we knew. We knew we were in love with each other, and we knew no one could take that away from us. Even my love for Rachel never separated us. Then he foundLik. It seems two years later, they’re still together.

My blood boils with an anger I can’t control. Not only did Lik use me…not only is Sam taunting me with the man who became what I never could, but now they are threatening me with hurting the woman I love?

I’m glad I didn’t pull my gun out before. This is the perfect time.

As soon as Rachel is out of Lik’s hold and into Sam’s, I pull out my weapon and aim it directly at the oh-so-special love of his life.

“So,you’rethe boyfriend,” I snarl. Lik smiles as he puts his hands up slowly. As soon as they’re up, I can see the dagger tattooed on his underarm. It goes from his wrist to his elbow. I don’t miss the letters on the handle: NSC. At least he didn’t lie about that.

My shock slowed me down. I didn’t expect Sam to pull out a knife that quickly. He’s holding it to Rachel’s throat before I can do anything, and a chill runs down my spine. My eyes are on them only for a split second.

“Let her go,” I growl at him, going back to looking at my target. I’m not very close to them, the sofa separates me from the three, but it’s a perfect distance for a great shot.

“Didn’t exactly plan on her having a gun,” Lik says softly. His voice is like honey. It slowly slithers to you and, had it not been such a fucked-up situation, it would have calmed me down straight away. “I always find girls holding guns super cute. Careful not to hurt yourself, princess.”

It takes a lot for me to ignore the princess comment. It’s the nickname I hate the most in the world, and it makes me wonder if Sam told him to use it to disarm me. I turn it to my advantage. I like men underestimating me. Sam should have warned him that I’m lethal, especially with a gun between my hands, but this will play to my advantage.

“I just escaped the Wolves. Walking around without a gun would make me downright stupid.” I narrow my eyes at him, analyzing how quickly I can put a bullet between his eyes.