Page 139 of King of My Heart

“I don’t think your husband can bring you that kind of pleasure, Rachel.”

“Fiancé,” I scream as I come.

Another meaningless word passes my lips. Whatever it is. I moan loudly at the back of the car, legs spread wide and my hands down my jeans while Sam goes seventy miles per hour on the freeway and his boyfriend chokes on his dick.

A loud grunt from Sam accompanied by a ‘holy shit’ follows a long moan from Lik, and I know they’re done too.

“Swallow,” Sam tells him breathlessly, and I know Lik obeys without thinking.

Lik straightens up in his seat, sinking into it while he catches his breath. My eyes lock with Sam’s through the rearview mirror and he smiles at me. Like he won a secret battle we were fighting.

I move slightly, losing his face and catching myself in the mirror instead. My cheeks are blushed, my hair a little messy from rubbing my head against the headrest. And my eyes shine with infinite satisfaction.

“Not such a lesbian after all,” Lik finally says before turning around and winking at me.

It makes Sam chuckle, then he talks to me with that seriousness of his, counting his words to make sure he doesn’t say too many. “See. I didn’t need to force either of you. You both wanted it so badly. All I had to do was ask. Andthat’sthe difference.”

I hate him for being so right.

My phone buzzes again, and I look down. My heart drops three stories, worse than if it was Conor calling again. Guilt seeps into my bones, fear of betrayal crawling through my veins, and regret settling in my stomach.

“It’s Rose,” I say out loud. Declaring the trouble coming our way.

What have I done?

My God, what have I done?

“Take it,” Sam answers. “And don’t worry. I’ve got you.”

It can only reassure me so much. Clearly, he’s never faced Rose’s wrath when her sick jealousy shows itself. She might not be able to reach us right now, but she can still hurt us.Allof us.



Start a War– Klergy, Valerie Broussard

Cold sheets used to feel relaxing. Waking up knowing the person I slept with already knew they weren’t invited to stay any longer was a peace of mind.

This morning, Sam’s old cold bed froze my heart. And, as always, I’m all too happy to let it turn to stone like it’s its most natural form.

But my stomach twists with pain, despite trying to protect myself and pretend I’m just the careless heartbreaker everyone loves to believe I am.

I look at my phone for the tenth time. Nothing.

What the fuck.

“Iced latte for Rose?” the barista shouts across the room. I walk to the counter, my pussy painfully reminding me that Lik’s dick is a lot bigger than I ever expected it to be.

“Thanks,” I mumble, grabbing the cup, my eyes stuck to my screen.

When I woke up, pleasure was still coursing through my body with the lethargy of exhaustion. Yesterday, Rachel abused me in the sweetest way possible. She made me feel more complete and loved than she ever had. Lik gave me his woman’s virginity, and Sam…he ruled the whole event like we were all his puppets, pulling at our strings and ensuring we were all fulfilling our darkest desires.

And yet I woke up completely and utterly alone. After everything that happened, they all justleft.

An uneasiness runs down my back in the form of a sweaty shiver.

No one loves you.