Page 92 of Giving Up

I can’t help but keep an eye on Duke’s scouts. They’re watching her closely, scribbling and debating every single move she makes. I watch with a smile as Jamie wins another draw, Billie and her teammate corner her, and she falls to the ground, but Rose is right behind her. She tries to score from close to the restraining line. Stupid move, it’s too far she’ll never make—

“Fuck yes!!” Luke and I scream as we jump from our seats. I can’t fucking believe she scored, she’s the best. That Duke scholarship is hers, it has to be.

The rest happens too fast for me to understand, all I know is by the time Luke and I calm down from our euphoria, Rose is on Billie and the next second Jamie’s fist crashes against her face.

“What the fuck,” Luke gasps as the two refs and Coach Thompson hurry toward them.

But that’s not the real problem. The problem is Billie getting up and the rest of her team joining her as Jamie takes a step back in fear.


My sister doesn’t hesitate to put herself in front of her friend and none of this is going to end up well. Especially when other girls that were standing on the bleachers – and that I know are part of the North Shore Crew – start making their way to the field.

“We need to move,” I tell Luke as I start making my way down the bleachers and toward the field.

Why the fuck would Jamie do that? She just signed her death warrant, Billie is never going to let that go.

We make our way past the refs and coaches desperately trying to calm down everyone and the first thing I do is send Luke to my twin.

“Don’t let Ozy get in trouble, this is too fucking important.”

He’s on her in a split second, grabbing her arm and pulling her from the small crowd. I hear her complain, but she’ll thank us later.

I’m too late to stop Billie from hitting back. She must have punched Jamie in the stomach or something, because two of Billie’s girls are already holding her arms and she’s hunched over, whimpering and desperately trying to take a breath.

To say it affects me would be the understatement of the century. How am I meant to not give a shit about her if she puts herself in situations like this?

“You made yourself the wrong enemy,” Billie growls. “It’s always been a dream of mine to fuck up a Stoneview bitch.” She draws her fist back, ready to hit her again, and I grab her wrist so hard she jumps in fear.

“Someone needs to make wiser choices,” I snicker at her.

“Yes, your fucking bitch does,” she hisses back.

“I thoughtyouwere my bitch,” I pout in mockery. “Nice new blush.” I poke the fresh bruise Jamie just left on her cheek and she turns her head the other way.

“Let me fucking go, Jake. If I don’t beat the shit out of her now, I promise you it’ll be later.”

“Tell your wannabe gangsters to let her go. I’ll only ask nicely once.”

The two girls don’t wait for Billie to tell them, they let go of Jamie as soon as I finish my sentence.

Security finally makes its way through the crowd, and everyone disperses. I let go of Billie so she can go her own way.

“Great,” she says bitterly. “Now guess which kids are going to end up in trouble. Spoiler alert, it won’t be the rich ones.”

She leaves before security can get to her and retreats toward the locker rooms. Jamie is still here, holding her side where I can imagine Billie hit and desperately trying to fight the tears.

I’m sure she can see the rage in my eyes when I face her because hers widen in surprise.

“What the actual fuck, Jamie?” I growl. How could she put herself in danger like this, how could she make me fear for her safety when I’m desperately trying to let her go.

“She…she started it,” she whimpers before taking a long-awaited breath.

“I don’t fucking care who started it. Billie is a semi-professional boxer, she could have knocked you out in the blink of an eye!”

“You think I don’t know that?! She was begging for a fight,” she cries out. “How do you expect me to stay calm when she mentions Bianco to Rose!”

My mouth opens but nothing comes out. Wait, what?