Page 78 of Giving Up

“…down,” I hear a whisper.

I try to crawl across the floor but I’m on my back now and I can’t turn back around. It’s impossible, my body is too heavy.

“…attack,” the soft voice repeats.

I cry out when my eyes try to open and tears are flooding everywhere, drowning me in fear.

“…just…nic…okay.” That voice, it’s so safe.

A warm hand lands on my cheek and I turn to it as it goes to my hair and starts stroking me.

“I don’t want to kill him,” I sob.

I feel something on my side, it’s long and soft. I turn to it and let my head rest on it.

My breathing starts to even out as I hug the long pillow next to my shaking body. Sobs still rack through my bones, but I can finally take a gulp of much-needed air.

“It’s okay,” the voice is clearer now. “It’s just a panic attack.”


A panic attack.


“Ssh,” she tells me as her hand goes through my hair again. I open my eyes again, now realizing I’m hugging her leg next to me. She’s sitting down on the floor, right by me, and I’m lying down with the whole upper part of my body on both her legs.

“That’s not how they usually feel,” I rasp.

“Usually?” she chuckles softly. “You haven’t had one in three years. You couldn’t understand them when it was happening to you twice a week, I wouldn’t expect you to remember what they feel like after so long.”

Her voice is more hoarse than usual, I think I just scared her a lot, but she doesn’t show it.

My heart is still hammering in my chest and my hands feel cold but I’m starting to see clearer.

“So I’m not dying,” I double-check, looking up at her.

She smiles down at me and shakes her head. “No. You ain’t leaving me behind like that, trust me.”

I chuckle and stay tucked against her legs as I go back to looking at the rest of the room.

“How did you know?” I ask her. She was downstairs with Nate, so far from me, then suddenly she was in my room with me.

“Your hand was freezing,” she replies casually as if that is an explanation in itself.


“When I gave you the peanut butter, you were shaking a little and your hand was so cold. It might have been a while, but I don’t forget how your panic attacks start, Jakey.”

“Your brain…” I think about it for a few seconds, and she waits patiently. “…is weird as fuck, Ozy.”

She explodes laughing and I automatically join her, the stress of the past ten minutes alone in my room finally lifting.

“I know.”


Devilish – Chase Atlantic