Page 45 of Giving Up

“Alright, that’s enough,” he says calmly but firmly.

By the time he gets Kayla out of the mass of people, she’s been beaten up good. The fucker isn’t even helping her, he’s just pushing her toward the door.

Xi follows us on the streets, Emma in his tow.

“Who the fuck do you support? NSC or those fucking traitors?” Xi calls out.

Nate snaps around so quickly Xi and Emma have to stop dead in their tracks.

“I’ve had about enough of you two.” He throws his cigarette on the floor and goes toe to toe with Xi. Watching the fucker retreat shyly puts a huge smile on my face. “I don’t support anyone. I’m not your fucking mom.Youwork forme.End of.”

“In that case, how we handle the Kings is none of your business,” Emma protests.

Nate takes a deep breath and exhales loudly to show his exasperation. “I’ll handle that one myself. Fear not, your little revenge against Kay will be paid in blood. Consider it my welcome gift to the Bianco family.”

Nate doesn’t entertain Xi and Emma one more second. He turns around and follows us down the street, catching up with Ozy as she helps Kayla walk.

“You two are going with Sam. She’s coming with me,” he says as we approach both cars.

“I’m not going with any of you,” Kayla hisses.

She’s holding a tissue to her nose to stop the bleeding. When Rose slows down by Sam’s car, Kayla keeps going.

“Kay,” Nate’s tone leaves no choice but for her to turn around. “I said you’re coming with me. We can talk about that deal you were trying to make with Xi.”

“Let’s go,” Rose whispers to me. “You did what you could, Jake. At least she’s not in there anymore.”

We hop in Sam’s car and leave this mess behind. I shouldn’t be worried about some random girl. I should be worried about my problems with my own girl.

I lay awake way past sunrise. I hear the birds outside around six am. It feels too weird to be in this huge mansion, in a suite twice the size of the studio I was in in L.A. I picked the room three doors down from Ozy. It’s not as big as hers, but it’s huge nonetheless. I didn’t hear Nate come back but I know Sam slept here.

At eight am I give up and open my curtains before sitting back in my bed. I felt more at home in the Murrays’ pool house than in this beautiful mansion. I’m bored to death. I’m going to see the guys today, but I doubt they’re ready to hang out at eight in the morning. So I do something I haven’t done in months. I go on Instagram.

I have countless DMs from people asking me where I went. Lacrosse teammates, random girls, some of the cheerleaders, and of course, Camila. I tap on her profile and silently look at everything she’s been posting. For someone who always threatened me that she could do better than me, I’m surprised she hasn’t found someone since I left. She always thought she could get me back from Jamie. I thought she’d finally move on after I left Stoneview.

My heart squeezes painfully like every time I think of Jamie. I can’t even check her Instagram like the stalker I am because I know she has no profile. I remember her telling me she deleted everything after what happened with her dad and her brother.

Her brother who…disappeared.

Except not all. He works for the Wolves.

I go on Emily’s profile. Her most recent picture is of her and Jamie in the clothes they were wearing yesterday. They’re both kneeling on Emily’s infamous round bed with the caption ‘Bad bitches only’. My thumb double taps before I can do anything about it. I scroll down to the next picture with Jamie. Two weeks ago. Emily is in her cheer uniform and Jamie in her lacrosse kit. ‘St Anne, you’re not ready for us’ the caption says. God help me the fuck out, she looks so hot in her tight skort. Her legs are tanned, like the rest of her beautiful skin, and I’m dying to grab her small thighs in my big hands. I like this picture too, way too aware of the hard-on now begging to be let out of my boxers.

The next picture with Jamie in it is from four weeks ago. It’s a selfie of Emily and Jamie in their pajamas, their mouths are covered in chocolate. Emily is flipping the finger at the camera whereas Jamie is mid-laugh. ‘Fuck boys. Fuck Valentine’s. Galentine’s all the way’.

My eyes are stuck on Jamie’s smile, on the melted chocolate around her lips. What I’d give to lick that off her right now. My hand instinctively grabs my cock through my boxers as I double tap on that picture. I don’t even bother looking any further, my brain is already on overdrive.

I throw my phone to my side, lowering myself a little further into bed. I lower my boxers below my balls and start stroking. My thoughts stay on Jamie, on her naked petite body. All the memories I have of our sex mix-up in my head, her small hands tied behind her back, the way she mewls when she begs, how wet she gets when I order her around. My breath quickens when I think of our first time, our angry sex. I think of the times I shut up her curiosity with my cock down her throat. My brain mixes up images and I imagine the things I’ve done to Billie. The things I would never put Jamie through. But in my head it doesn’t count, right?

So I remember what I did to Billie and see Jamie instead. ‘Hurt me. Take control,’ Jamie’s small voice says. So I slap, and I pull, and I make her skin red. My little angel cries in pain mixed with pleasure, she screams my name and asks for more. She–

“Shit,” I hiss as I come all over my stomach. “Fuck,” I pant, desperately trying to catch my breath.

My dick is satisfied but the post-orgasm high isn’t there. No, instead my stomach twists back in that constant state of stress I get from being away from the girl I love. From the fact that she clearly hates me and that I will keep pushing for her to hate me.

Images of her beautiful body are replaced with the words she spat at me. The hatred, the anger, the pain in her eyes. She’s not stupid, she knows I fucked Billie. And while I was fucking her, Jamie was taking care of Ozy. The size of a peanut and the braveness of a warrior, that’s Jamie. I chuckle at my stupid comparison. What a poet I am.

A wave of sadness washes over, engulfing me in longing for my old life back. My three-year break living freely in Stoneview. I had so much fun in that preparatory school. I had a group of friends and a family who loved me, I had a reputation, I had lacrosse.