Page 41 of Giving Up

I laugh at her. Surely she can’t think I’m that stupid?

“Until yesterday you didn’t even know what Biancolooked like. You spend a little time one on one with him, you suddenly know it all?”

She looks away, uncomfortable under my stare and Ozy’s words come back to me. ‘You can’t suck important people’s dick and suddenly think you’re invincible.’ I shake my head at the hard reminder that Billie truly is a North Shore girl.

“Did youactuallysuck Bianco’s dick?” I ask in disgust.

“Girls who grew up where I grew up know how to protect themselves, Jake. It’s not always about knowing how to win a fistfight.”

The fucking bastard, the fucking pedophile.

“This is fucking disgusting,” I reply. I’m not talking about her though, my anger is aimed directly at Bianco.

“I’m a big girl.”

“You just turnedseventeen,” I insist. “So what? You suck his dick and he tells you all about my family? Is that how it works?”

“No!” she defends herself. “Look, I was angry just now. Rose was making the rules in my own house, and I wanted to shut her up.”

“That doesn’t answer my question. What did he say about her?”

I know she can sense how angry I am. I know she’s trying to avoid an argument but it’s just making it worse.

“It’s not what he said about her,” she finally admits. “It’s what he insisted on calling me when I was doing it. I corrected him once, told him my name was Billie. I didn’t again after the slap it earned me. So…” her mouth twists, her lips pinch, “Rose it was.” She gulps as she finishes her sentence. “Look, I didn’t want to tell you. I didn’t want to upset you–”

“It doesn’t matter,” I cut off coldly as my teeth fight each other in a clashing war.

I leave her behind, stomping back into the living room. I’m sure Ozy is still here. She might have sent Jamie home but she’s not one to leave a party before sunrise.

I find her talking to Billie’s older sister, Emma. No doubt showing her a PowerPoint of why they should sleep together again. The one and only girl who never came back for seconds after sleeping with Rose, it’s driving her insane.

“How’s Rach?” I ask as I settle next to my twin.

Emma laughs so hard she almost spits out her drink. “You’ve got a gorgeous girl waiting for you in Stoneview, why are you even talking to me?”

The look Ozy sends my way would have scared anyone else. It makes me laugh. Fuck, I missed her so much.

“Billie is really fucking mad at you,” I insist.

“Ugh, Jake,” she groans. “Are we gonna do this now?”

“What did you do?” Emma asks in a voice that’s half a warning, half worry for her younger sister.

“Nothing you wouldn’t have done yourself if she’d given you the attitude she gave me,” Rose muses.

Emma shrugs. “Meh, she needs a good reality check from time to time. I’ll go check on her.”

Once Emma is far enough and she can’t hear me, I turn to my twin with a serious look on my face. “You know you’d get in a lot more trouble if half of the population didn’t want to sleep with you.”

“I’m returning the compliment,” she mumbles as she grabs her pack of cigarettes.

I watch her light one in her mouth. Her hands are trembling slightly, the skin under her nose is pink, irritated from all the lines she must have done tonight. But the worst is the fading bruise around her eye.

Sam made me promise if I came back, I couldn’t bring it up to Nate. It’s really fucking hard not to right now. I can see him at the back of the room, chilling on a sofa with Sam sitting quietly on his right side and Dylan on his left, desperately trying to make friends with my brother to feel important.

Sam is busy flirting with some girl I’ve never seen. Well, it’s more like she’s flirting with him and he’s nodding as she talks and runs her hands over his arms and chest. His eyes though, his black eyes are on Ozy. Always watching her.

I shake my head, my attention going back to my sister.