Page 27 of Giving Up

“I like it. Make yourself at home, there are beers in the mini-fridge.”

“Awesome. We will, you should finish getting ready,” Emily says as she gets up and goes to the mini-fridge.

Rose shakes her head in a smile as she walks through another door.

“You sure you should be drinking another beer if you’re driving?” I ask my best friend as she offers me one. I grab it because I can’t drive anyway.

“Whatever, we can always grab a cab.” She starts looking at the shelves in the living room.

“Defies the whole purpose of coming here to drive her,” I mumble as I sit down. I look at my phone to find texts from Cole asking if I’m still coming. I’m typing up a reply as Emily’s comments become background.

“So many books and so much weed, I bet she has exciting evenings in here,” I hear her giggle.

I lift my head up as I hear the door to what I’m assuming is her bedroom re-open. Rose comes out in her black jeans and a tight white spaghetti-strap crop top. My mouth falls open when Rachel follows after her, her hair still wet from the shower.

“Oh, shit,” Emily chortles. “We didn’t think we were imposingthatmuch.”

I put my beer on the coffee table and put my hands in front of me as a sign of apology. “So sorry, we didn’t realize you were…busy–I mean had company. I mean thatRachelwas here.”

“This is fucking great,” Emily laughs.

“It’s fine. I wasn’t staying anyway,” Rachel smiles at us. She bundles up her shoulder-length blonde hair in a loose bun and goes on her toes to drop a kiss on Rose’s cheek.

I feel Emily’s elbow in my ribs and I widen my eyes at her in a warning. She gets way too excited around Rose and Rachel.

“I’ll see you at Cole’s,” Rachel says in her soft voice before heading out.

“You two are so freakin’ cute,” Emily gushes. “Are you back together?”

“No,” Rose grumbles. She grabs a light-gray hoodie laying on the sofa closest to me and puts it on. “And I’m not going to Cole’s anymore,” she continues as her head pops out.

“Uh, yeah you are,” Emily counters. “Don’t be a mood killer. I need a party. I need to let loose. I need Luke fucking Baker to know that I’m having a real good fucking time.”

So much for having parted on good terms.

“Alright, party-girl,” Rose chuckles. “I never saidyouweren’t gonna party. I said I’m not going to Cole’s.”

“I don’t like where this is going,” I mutter.

“I like. I like very much. Tell me more,” Emily teases.

Rose grabs a cigarette and lighter on the coffee table and lights it, taking her time before replying. “I’m going to the North Shore.”

There’s a long silence before Emily shouts in glee. “Yes! Yes, fuck yes. We’re coming.”

“No,” Rose and I reply in unison. “I’m not going to an NSF party,” I add.

“Is it with the Kings,” Emily asks, jumping on the spot.

“No, North Shore Crew,” Rose corrects.

“Can you hear me or what? I’m not going to the North Shore of the Falls. Absolutely out of the question.”

“Better that way,” Rose confirms.

Emily is on me before I can reply. “Please, ‘Me,pleaseI need this.” She turns to Rose. “Luke isn’t going to be there, right?”

Rose shakes her head ‘no’ as she inhales on her cigarette.