Page 148 of Giving Up

My heart drops in my stomach and I run to the door, snapping it open. “He’s here? Now? Downstairs?”

“My my, she’s still here,” Nathan smiles. His eyes dart to Jake before they come back to me.

Mine go to the sling around his shoulder. It keeps his arm folded against his stomach, bandages peek from underneath it. “Don’t look at me like that, ‘Me. It’s really hard to kill me, and Jake can’t aim for shit.”

“I didn’t try to kill you,” Jake grumbles behind me.

This family is so fucked up I don’t even try to understand their relationship anymore. Why has shooting your siblings become so normal to the Whites?

“You need to leave, Jamie,” Nathan orders low.

“I need to see Bianco. He knows about my brother.” Everything I say feels so neutral. My lips feel numb, and my mouth feels like I’ve been injected with an anesthetic.

Nathan’s behavior takes a dramatic turn as he pushes me out of the way and threateningly strides to Jake. “You told her?” he snarls.

“She had to know,” Jake replies.

“No she didn’t. You told her because you can’t stand her hating you. You told her because you wanted to be a fucking hero. This is no time to be a hero, Jake.”

“I told her because her brother is alive. I wish someone had told me you were still around when you were meant to be six-feet under.”

Once again, the White brothers become so obsessed with each other they forget I’m in the room. But it works to my advantage this time.

They’re still arguing when I slip out of the room and sprint through the hallway. When I reach the stairs, I slow down and take a breath. I’m going to meet Mateo Bianco for the second time in my life. But this time I’m ready and he has something I need.

I take every step like my life depends on it, like Aaron is the one I’m going to meet downstairs. Now that I know he’s alive, he could be anywhere. And if he’s really a Wolf…he could be in Stoneview.

When I finally reach the last step, Bianco is facing the hallway I know is leading to the kitchen and he doesn’t see me approach in his peripheral vision.

My whole body is trembling. Partly because he’s a terrifying man, mainly because I know he holds information I’m desperate to know.

He must feel my presence because he turns to me as I try to discreetly approach him.

His saccharine smile spreads wide on his face. He is handsome in a wicked way. It must be so easy for him to charm everyone. It must be hard to grasps that he is a truly horrible man. But I know.

“Jamie Williams,” he enunciates clearly, pointing out he knows exactly who I am.

He’s not even surprised to see me here, or he hides it extremely well.

I suck in a breath when he takes a step toward me. He’s not very tall or big. In fact, he is very average. His skin is tanned like the Whites and it’s like he could really be their family.

I want to say something. I know what I came downstairs for, but God he is petrifying. I couldn’t pinpoint exactly where it is physically, maybe it’s just knowing the things he is capable of.

“Did you want to talk to me, Jamie?” he asks lowly.

I try to swallow the sand sticking to my throat, but my voice comes out breathless. “My brother…wh—” I have to swallow again before I continue. “Where is he?”

He only smiles at me. No answer. But it’s a knowing smile. He’s happy because he knows he has something on me.

“I need to know,” I insist in what sounds barely above a whisper.

“Jamie, what are you doing here?” I recognize the husky voice before I even take my eyes away from Bianco.

Rose is now standing next to him, having come back from the kitchen. She’s handing out a small espresso cup to him.


“You can’t stay,” she chastises me. “Leave and—” Bianco puts a hand up and she stops talking right away.