Page 140 of Giving Up

He gets up, still pointing the gun down at Nathan. “Forgive me for the lack of knife. I hope shooting you will be just as satisfying.”

The bang is so sudden, so smooth, so doubtless that I almost miss it.


But I don’t.

My ears ring, my heart jumps in my throat. My legs shake, my stomach sinks.

Just like that day.

The smell of gunpowder and copper makes me gag and I take steps back until my back crashes violently against shelves of books behind me.

I can see Nathan rolling to his side and the blood pouring out of him.

Everything is a mix of blur and unbearable screeching in my ears.

Jake turns to me. He’s talking, he’s moving toward me in strides so smooth I struggle to register them.

God, when did he become so dangerous? When did he get the upper hand on Nathan? Jake is a strong man, but when it came to his brother, he was always the weaker one. Stuck in his hate, stuck in a fear that was imposed on him since his childhood. Where was this lethal strength hiding all the time I was in love with him?

What are you talking about, Jamie?

It’s been here all along, right in front of you, shining so bright it blinded you.

Jake White is the devil. He never tried to hide it. In fact, he’s been desperate for you to know he was nothing else but!

“Did you hear me? I said come here,” he tells me in the calmest voice I’ve ever heard from him. “I’m not done with you.”

Why is he so calm?

I try to talk but I can’t formulate any words. The ringing is too loud, the whole place is shaking and…no it’s me, I’m shivering so hard my teeth are clattering and my vision blurred. I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. My eyes dart to Nathan on the floor.

Is he conscious? Is he still alive? How long has it been since he got shot? A minute? Fifteen? An hour? I’ve lost all concept of time and space.

That’s why I don’t understand how close Jake is. And when his firm hand wraps around my upper arm I jump in fear.

“Don’t worry about him. He won’t get more than exactly what he deserves.”

That doesn’t help. Jake has wanted his brother dead for too long.

“Andyouneed to be taught a lesson on who you belong to.”

I shake my head, feeling tears spring to my eyes. My voice is a hoarse whisper when I finally manage to push words out.

“I don’t belong to you. You betrayed me.”

He pushes me hard into the shelves, his hips digging into my stomach. His anger spikes again.

“I didn’t betray you,” he growls. “All I’ve been trying to do since being back in Stoneview is protect you. And all you did in return was fuck my brother.”

I push back at him without success. “I bet you were loving protecting me when you were balls deep into Billie’s pussy,” I wheeze from fury.

He laughs as his mouth comes to my ear. “Her cunt had nothing on yours, Angel.”

One second his lips are against the shell of my ear, the next he’s dragging me out of the room, across the countless hallways of the mansion. He pushes open the door I’m assuming leads to his room and pushes me face down onto his bed.

“There you go. Exactly where you belong.”